What do you think about Ridley Scott's return?

Started by Mr.Warrior666, Nov 03, 2024, 03:57:08 AM

What do you think about Ridley Scott's return? (Read 1,934 times)

David Weyland

David Weyland

I'd prefer a follow up to Romulus and then third prequel, all the better with some echoes of both that could inform each other in a cool way..although less effective I feel if they did the prequel first

But bringing it all together into the one film I think that's a cop out & feels like cramming in too much just to put a bow on everything



Just give me an extended cut of the 1979 original for the 50th, thanks!


Dude, relax. Scott literally MADE Alien. Trust the master. 🤘


Quote from: galmich on Dec 04, 2024, 01:57:53 PMDude, relax. Scott literally MADE Alien. Trust the master. 🤘

The thing is, he wasnt the sole mastermind behind Alien and a lot of his ideas were nixed by the studio and producers or cut due to budget or the realities of the 1979 technology. What we got was a series of compromises and restraints which resulted in brilliant masterpiece. He was crucial in the original Alien but what he couldnt do was just as important in shaping the movie. Once he could actually do whatever he wants, we got Prometheus and Covenant. For some, theyre good movies and they enjoy the grand storyarc, for some, theyre the worst movies in the mythology. But Scott himself was not solely responsible for Alien and lots of what he did was either a compromise with others or with what was available (for example, he wanted a transluscent alien who could talk and reattach others' heads, who would ran around the ceiling and walls chasing Dallas as oppose to the heart pumping horror scene we got, the Nostromo landing and the planet wouldve been shown in full light as oppose to being backlit as silhouettes and on and on). Not to mention he retconned many elements of the original. My point is, we shouldnt look at the original Alien as a sample of another Alien film, but to Prometheus and Covenant


Quote from: StrangeShape on Dec 04, 2024, 11:41:36 PM
Quote from: galmich on Dec 04, 2024, 01:57:53 PMDude, relax. Scott literally MADE Alien. Trust the master. 🤘

The thing is, he wasnt the sole mastermind behind Alien and a lot of his ideas were nixed by the studio and producers or cut due to budget or the realities of the 1979 technology. What we got was a series of compromises and restraints which resulted in brilliant masterpiece. He was crucial in the original Alien but what he couldnt do was just as important in shaping the movie. Once he could actually do whatever he wants, we got Prometheus and Covenant. For some, theyre good movies and they enjoy the grand storyarc, for some, theyre the worst movies in the mythology. But Scott himself was not solely responsible for Alien and lots of what he did was either a compromise with others or with what was available (for example, he wanted a transluscent alien who could talk and reattach others' heads, who would ran around the ceiling and walls chasing Dallas as oppose to the heart pumping horror scene we got, the Nostromo landing and the planet wouldve been shown in full light as oppose to being backlit as silhouettes and on and on). Not to mention he retconned many elements of the original. My point is, we shouldnt look at the original Alien as a sample of another Alien film, but to Prometheus and Covenant

On the whole you can't disagree with that.
Some of Scott's ideas would have turned Alien into something completely different if he hadn't been stopped.
However, I could imagine that the studio would use the rejections against Promenant to draw a clear line to Scott's freedom in future projects.
Maybe they will allow him to finish his trilogy but under different conditions. namely that in the end it fits in with the existing films.
which I would welcome.

Maybe it was all just hot air again.


Yeah, fair points. The original Alien was lightning in a bottle - a perfect storm of constraint and creativity. Scott's later films show what happens when a director gets total creative freedom without the collaborative friction that made the original so tight. Prometheus and Covenant feel more like a director's personal mythology exploration than a coherent sci-fi horror narrative. Sometimes limitations breed brilliance.


If Scott can keep his ego in check (unlikely) and shows some humility then a 3rd movie done with someone like Fede could be really good. He could tie it in with romulus and the greater alien universe.

Scott did not create the alien universe, dan o bannon and Ronald shusett did. He directed alien but had no real input into the story. It is one of the greatest movies of all time and for those who have never seen it, it is an incredible suspenseful film. You just don't know where the alien will strike which is why isolation was so good. It played to the strengths of that film.

I don't mind the idea that david created a strain of xenomorph
I absolutely hate the idea he created the race. I think the signs are there that he didn't. The derelict is there 1000 of years and the mural of the queen in prometheus.

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