Pulse Rifle Gel Blaster

Started by Prez, Sep 24, 2024, 05:03:44 AM

Pulse Rifle Gel Blaster (Read 879 times)




You actually need a firearms license here in Australia to purchase these legally.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

You should buy several.



Quote from: Local Trouble on Sep 25, 2024, 12:37:51 AMYou should buy several.

Hahaha. Very tough gun laws in this country and I like my bank balance the way it is too  ;D




I was thinking about getting one of these and I watched a TON of youtube product reviews and decided my Nerf pulse rifle is goat enough. Also very expensive so no thanks. 

The plastic flimsy ammo cover is a negative for me, I would prefer the whole package of it having a real feel with the magazine insertion also making a huge noise when firing, + orange tip so I can have one in Australia also.

Do you like the Romulus Pulse Rifle? That was one things in that movie that feels 100% right, and its storage locker is so good I want to press the Pule Rifle Locker release button



Quote from: COOLGUY on Sep 25, 2024, 05:25:34 AM@Prez

I was thinking about getting one of these and I watched a TON of youtube product reviews and decided my Nerf pulse rifle is goat enough. Also very expensive so no thanks. 

The plastic flimsy ammo cover is a negative for me, I would prefer the whole package of it having a real feel with the magazine insertion also making a huge noise when firing, + orange tip so I can have one in Australia also.

Do you like the Romulus Pulse Rifle? That was one things in that movie that feels 100% right, and its storage locker is so good I want to press the Pule Rifle Locker release button

If money wasn't a barrier I'd have loved the Nerf Pulse Rifle and yep, loved the rifle in Romulus.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

My immediate thought was "aren't gel blasters just softer airsoft" and then I saw it was a Snow Wolf.  :laugh: Man, I really need to get playing again.

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