New Single-Player Map: AvP Jaguar Sub Level 3

Started by Olde, Aug 02, 2024, 11:24:25 AM

New Single-Player Map: AvP Jaguar Sub Level 3 (Read 940 times)


Hey everyone, today Bobblen, Cracco, and I are releasing our conversion map of the AvP Jaguar (1994) marine mission for AvP Classic 2000. Please keep in mind that this is limited to the starting floor (Sub Level 3) only. It uses the original map geometry, sprites, textures and sounds extracted from the Jaguar version to create what we feel is a faithful rendition of the map in the AvP engine.

The gameplay is similar in spirit to the original Jaguar game, but has been constrained to entirely take place on this single level. You cannot take the lift or vents to different levels. You must access computer terminals and find a series of keycards in order to progress. This map also uses custom messages that will tell you your goals, so place language.txt in your root folder to see them. You can cycle through previous messages by pressing F1. Exploration is encouraged, so be sure to check every room and you might just find a few surprises!

You can get it at the following links:
Alternative Link:

Thank you to everyone who plays our map, we sincerely hope you all enjoy it. Please report any bugs you might find or questions if you have difficulty progressing or installing, getting it to run, displaying correctly, etc.


Really wanna see this running. Need to do this when I have time.


It's quite surreal actually. Forced bilinear texturing, smooth movement and no fog so you can look right across big rooms and long corridors. It's a bit brighter as well, or maybe just seems like it because there's no fog. It was an interesting experiment for sure!


So... I have made my way through this to the point where you enter the Barracks. lol you bastards  :laugh:

This is excellent. Hard.

I would love you guys to basically remake the Jaguar game in this engine. Would be one big level lol.

My only gripe which I have no idea if fixable, is I keep getting caught on wall corners.

One way I would say this would be improved would be with the Aliens being reskinned to look like the Jaguar Spirtes.

Great work guys. Now to try Entrance from Alien Trilogy.


Thanks for trying it out. There are ways to get around the pillar collisions but they're all a pain to do on so many pillars. I guess we'll see how much that annoys everyone!  ;D

Funnily enough we do have plans to do the whole lot as a big level. No timeline though, it's a big project. I 'invented' the process to extract the maps and have done it for all of them. Gluing them all together into a giant level is another matter. We'll see I guess.


Quote from: Russ840 on Aug 11, 2024, 04:45:40 PMSo... I have made my way through this to the point where you enter the Barracks. lol you bastards  :laugh:

This is excellent. Hard.
Thank you, appreciate that you tried it out!

Quote from: Russ840 on Aug 11, 2024, 04:45:40 PMI would love you guys to basically remake the Jaguar game in this engine. Would be one big level lol.
That was the original plan. Maybe one day (though no time soon!).


It was a pleasure to try it out guys. It's my all time fav game so any new single player content is amazing.

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