APM: Upcoming Fan-Made UE4 Remake of AvP Classic

Started by Olde, Aug 14, 2023, 12:11:21 AM

APM: Upcoming Fan-Made UE4 Remake of AvP Classic (Read 11,221 times)

Still Collating...

From the renders alone, I can see how different this is from the original game. I can't imagine the trouble you went through! But it's fans like you that keep the games alive and add a fresh perspective always. So we definitely appreciate it! 



Quote from: Still Collating... on Jan 31, 2024, 10:57:36 PMFrom the renders alone, I can see how different this is from the original game. I can't imagine the trouble you went through! But it's fans like you that keep the games alive and add a fresh perspective always. So we definitely appreciate it! 
Renders and screenshots never do justice for any project soooo....
In my appreciation for all the viewers here on this forum that are interested
I'd like to share with you all an Early Access of the project that I'll post
here for ONE WEEK ONLY. Before I finalize it and upload the project
to Indie Moddb for public consumption, In return I only ask for your feedback
with your impressions, likes, dislikes and such so that I can polish it just
enough to be satisfactory with the communities help on this one.

After this time has expired V2.3 will be obsolete and will have changed.
this is just a small demo anyways and I could use the community's help and perspective.
Please and Thank you!.

From : February 1 to February 10 2024

APM Project V2.3 - Demo Early Access
Download size is 3.27GB .zip file

Early Access temporarily made available Here:
Early Access V2.3 Has Now Expired

I would also ask to everyone interested to keep this file private and not spread it about and to keep this exclusive.
as this will be obsolete after awhile.
When it's finalized and finished then it can be shared by everyone. (it's just not finished yet) so there may still be bugs and crashes that may occur, just a FYI heads up.

Please provide your feedback here and Thanks!



I was asked about adding an Invert Mouse Feature,and left handed player functions, That will be available in the next build, V2.4 along with some new stuff. and yes I know about the floating AVP Game Box and some typos, For now  V2.3 will give a good idea of what's to come. Thanks Cheers! J


V2.5 New Level added.


Another Screenshot...Some Alien Trilogy Action...perhaps?


This is a brief Update on the APM Project with a few more tidbits.

Here's an update with Gateway for the alien, and some of my alien Trilogy map. Alongside my rework of my Phantasm project with a quick preview.


Love the Alien: Trilogy stuff. I wish I could make levels as quickly as you!


Quote from: Olde on Feb 22, 2024, 12:10:58 PMI wish I could make levels as quickly as you!
Now Now, you'll just need more Beer for that. Most kind of you to say, Humblest Thanks!


The APM Project Demo has now been released for public consumption, you can get it here:

Thanks Everyone for your interest and patients. Happiest Cheers! J


I'm one of the few "inverted-mousers", so thanks for the feature!



Quote from: Wweyland on Feb 24, 2024, 03:20:11 PMI'm one of the few "inverted-mousers", so thanks for the feature!
Cool, you can thank Windebieste for suggesting that to be included, as well I have also added left handed controls as well. Most instructions are in the TAB dropdown Thanks! :) J

Still Collating...

Will have to try this soon!


From lack of feedback and any responses, I Feel as if this has been a complete waste of my time and all my efforts have been for nothing. sorely disapointed. I see no reason to continue this project with no interest from anyone. I'll be moving on and I wish everyone all the best. Happiest Cheers! J


It's still fairly new.
Don't give up so easily.


Quote from: bladeghost on Mar 13, 2024, 01:33:15 AMFrom lack of feedback and any responses, I Feel as if this has been a complete waste of my time and all my efforts have been for nothing. sorely disapointed. I see no reason to continue this project with no interest from anyone. I'll be moving on and I wish everyone all the best. Happiest Cheers! J

I was playing the demo, it looks awesome, I really liked the predator ship.
I do have problems with controls - is there an option for me to change the control keys?
My son also played it, he'll probably never play the original so I'm glad he liked it.
I thing there is a lot of members that played it, liked it but didn't leave feedback :)

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