Post Your Custom Figures/Models

Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 12, 2006, 11:25:15 AM

Post Your Custom Figures/Models (Read 683,970 times)


Quote from: SiL on Oct 16, 2023, 09:39:10 AMYou still need to know how to sculpt, just digitally.

To some degree, they have a lot of random premade stuff you can buy for around 5 USD. I'm also fine with the digital stuff it's just the hands on details you have to use with those clay shaping tools.

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

Today I learned a more permanent way to "paint" then using paint! Lol. I discovered a more permanent plastic coloring method by using synthetic dye. It actually turns the plastic itself a different color rather than applying it to the surface. So even if an item or figure gets damaged or scratched, it will only show the newly dyed color underneath and it is absolutely permanent.

I tested it and acetone, scrubbing, soap, dish soap, alcohol and boiling water did not lessen the color once dyed. I used another predator figure when testing it. Best part is it keeps its original plastic sheen unlike acrylic paints and does not need to be sealed. Keep in mind it can cause paint bleeding so use it only on surfaces with less complex paint schemes.

As long as it's the same color all over the surface it won't cause color bleeding. So:

Step 1. Poor a small amount of black or brown dye in and mix them into a Tupperware you don't need anymore. You can also mix dye colors together before application.

Step 2. Add a little dish soap.

Step 3. Poor boiling water into it and stir.

Step 4. Dip half of the item in for 15 seconds for color gradient or drop the entire part into it for 15 seconds or a minute for darker color. You can also do it multiple times for darker effect. However you can only add to not take away so I suggest Starting light.

So I have always disliked the paint scheme on the Bad Blood Predator feet as it was basically not painted at all compared to the rest of the body. Here is before:
Here is what was advertised by Neca:
Here is after dye application and final product:
Lastly here is my new sewn loincloth/armor as they are notorious for breaking with age. I used a strong synthetic thread and needle and looped it through the corner plastic but far enough in to not stress it. Looped it, tied it, then tied it to the corner of the one that goes over the back end and repeated this on the other side. I Used hot water to separate the figure at the chest are and looped it over and popped the upper torso back on and voila! Now absolutely remember, you have to use the Rit Dye more synthetic not the original as it wont work well or at all. Photo for reference: Hopefully this information helps anyone and have fun!



Here is a twisted creation for my idea of Predator vs The Thing.
It is the Pred-head Thing that starts the nightmare - I wanted it to be a homage to the Norris-head Thing from the 1982 film.
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Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Neomorph-01 on Sep 21, 2024, 06:48:48 PMHere is a twisted creation for my idea of Predator vs The Thing.
It is the Pred-head Thing that starts the nightmare - I wanted it to be a homage to the Norris-head Thing from the 1982 film.
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Ha, cute.



I love how the legs are coming out of the mandibles and not the head.



Quote from: Sabres21768 on Sep 23, 2024, 01:01:58 AMI love how the legs are coming out of the mandibles and not the head.
I thought the mandibles would be perfect to become legs for the Thing. Best use for the legs from a broken McFarlaine Norris Thing set (hope Neca would create a Norris Thing set - Dog Thing boxed set was so amazing).



Almost finished project of an elite Predator. I used an extra Golden Angel Predator, with armour from a Lasershot Predator, and plasma caster from an AvP Predator. I painted the armour gold then, painted over with red contrast paint.

Master Chief

I have a lot of action figures still in their boxes that I'm looking forward to taking out.  I just haven't bought the proper shelving for them.  smh



Here is a completed custom figure of one of a group of particularly vicious group of Super Predators (villains in a fan story in progress 'Predators: Evolution of the Hunt'. They mark their bio masks with the blood of enemy Yautja.
This is Trapper Predator, who mostly uses traps (think larger bear traps that are cloaked).
I used a Berserker Predator (jaw removed from the mask), plasma caster from a Spike Tail Predator, and the gory trophy on the spike is from the new Ultimate Halloween Michael Myers (Myers will be customed into a future Working Joe).
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That's awesome!

I'd LOVE to see more of that dio you have him in.  :o



Quote from: Sabres21768 on Oct 03, 2024, 10:32:09 PMI'd LOVE to see more of that dio you have him in.  :o

Thanks. I will be making a post soon. It is still work in progress - but will I make a progress update posts of the diorama as I go.
Need to get some good photos taken (find the tripod to steady the camera).

bobby brown

bobby brown

This year, I have really submerged myself in miniature painting, especially custom 3D prints.
I have made a ton of them, but it's kind of hard to photograph them justifiably, but I might post a dedicated thread eventually. Here are a few of them.

Mike’s Monsters

Those are awesome @bobby brown!!!

Corporal Hicks

That first Alien in particular looks fantastic. You did an amazing job with the painting there!

Still Collating...

Quote from: bobby brown on Dec 19, 2024, 12:35:43 PMThis year, I have really submerged myself in miniature painting, especially custom 3D prints.
I have made a ton of them, but it's kind of hard to photograph them justifiably, but I might post a dedicated thread eventually. Here are a few of them.

Wow, just wow. Feel free to make a special thread for them if you've got more incoming.

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