APM: Upcoming Fan-Made UE4 Remake of AvP Classic

Started by Olde, Aug 14, 2023, 12:11:21 AM

APM: Upcoming Fan-Made UE4 Remake of AvP Classic (Read 11,180 times)



Hey people, I wanted to make a thread for an upcoming fan project of AvP Classic. Longtime modder Bladeghost (aka Scythewraith) and author of such games as Phantasm and Blade Yautja (Doom 3 total conversion), as well as author of the Event Horizon, LV-426, and Pyramid multiplayer maps, has announced that he's started working on a project to recreate AvP Classic 2000 in Unreal Engine 5. He's named the project APM and he's just released a video demonstrating what he's accomplished in less than a month. Any thoughts or opinions on what you see, please leave your thoughts here. Also I'm sure he'd appreciate feedback as comments on his video as he's more likely to check that. And remember, this is alpha footage, so it may not necessarily be indicative of the final version.


Quite a massive undertaking, we have seen so many similar projects fall through I am reluctant to get really excited, but I wish him the best.

Just porting the videogame raw would allow for some interesting stuff to be done, just creating an overall improved version, Nightdive style. But considering what we saw in the Marine portion it using Classic as a starting point appears to be more the idea.

I do find the weird mish-mash of assets somewhat off-putting, but the idea of Classic being brought into this Century I do find intriguing, especially if that goes beyond the visual component. 

Maybe using that custom Derelict map as inspiration in tandem with the original map for example.


Unless all the old stuff is placeholders for new dialogue or what have you, it is offputting.  Too old to mesh well. 

They used to call work on alien and pred projects outside of AVP2, which released the tools to make sp campaigns, that got axed as getting FOXED because they would halt work on it.  But who knows how much mousehouse will interfere now. 

Godspeed to him. 


Careful while showing too much or the ones in charge might try to take it down. I remember an AVP Classic remake attempt using crysis engine that was foxed.

Corporal Hicks

Glad to see Bladeghost doing more customs! I really enjoyed his Doom 3 mods. As the others have mentioned, previous remake attempts have been Foxed so hopefully he'll escape the wrath of Studios and I look forward to seeing more!

Solid Beard

Solid Beard

The lighting sure looks nice the rest looks ok, for an old game with the maps imported into the Unreal Engine 4. I feel like that if there is a remake of AVP Classic it definitely needs a redesign of the levels, since they were designed in the late 90s and 2000s compared to a more believable environments of Half Life 1 and AVP 2.
I always considered a remake (or a reimagined) of AVP Classic with the assets of the AVP2 Lithtech Engine with redesigned levels and a rewrite of each campaign narratives just to make thme look different from the original.

Corporal Hicks


Fans after a new official AvP game hasn't come out in a decade:



Hi Everyone, and Thanks for the love, and to Olde for opening this thread as I have an update to share.
I would be happy to answer any questions reguarding my APM Project, Thanks! Cheers! J

Still Collating...

Much better than I was hoping for, this is looking like it'll be really fun. Take your time, but I can't wait for it to be released!



Thanks, as I look forward to getting it finished and released to everyone interested.


Something I'd like to mention is that I'm building this on Unreal Engine 5- 5.3.2 and this will require a DX 11 Graphics card to run this. min. just a FYI as It's getting there, again
Thanks Everyone. Happiest Cheers! J

Corporal Hicks

Oh that is looking very tidy!!! Nice work, Jon! Eagerly awaiting more.


This looks very good, although I love that AvP classic runs and looks so good on modern systems.
I think it's mostly the great lightning and atmosphere (due to non-scripted enemies).

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