I'm hesitant on buying either Predator or Aliens in 4k because there isn't any way to fix the film grain issue, now is there? It's just the way films were made back then. What we've got is what we've got. The end.
Plus it's kind of weird to buy a trilogy to then only later buy another movie. I've bought dozens of these duology/trilogy/quadrilogy's in the past and at my ripe old age... i kind of feel like a sucker. I'm happy with my blu-ry and dvd's tbh and I'll wait for The Predator in 4k... well if it's good, of course.
Still it's not just me right? From degrading VHS to DVD was a large step up and from DVD to Bluray was even better but shockingly movies from the 70/80/early 90's don't (to me) get any better with their 4k transfers. However older films oddly do seem better. Is it worth it to buy 4k, in most cases, no but they do seem better.