Predator 4K Releases and new Steelbooks

Started by RidgeTop, May 22, 2018, 03:33:46 PM

Predator 4K Releases and new Steelbooks (Read 57,383 times)

The Old One

The Old One

Is the regular Blu-Ray just the UHE repackaged? Or are they the new transfer compressed to 1080p?

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Couple of reviews I've found. Not read through/watched them yet.

Quote from: The Old One on Aug 06, 2018, 06:46:56 PM
Is the regular Blu-Ray just the UHE repackaged? Or are they the new transfer compressed to 1080p?

This is something I'm curious about as well.

And unfortunately not. Per Digital Bits -

QuoteThe package also includes the film on Blu-ray Disc. Unfortunately, this isn't a newly-mastered Blu-ray edition, created from the new 4K scan. It's the exact same Ultimate Hunter Edition Blu-ray that was released in 2010. That means it's been scrubbed to within an inch of its life with DNR, so much so that everyone looks like a plastic G.I. Joe doll. It's rubbish... except that it features a very nice package of extras. Those include the same audio commentary with McTiernan, the text commentary with Lichtenfeld, and the following additional features:


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 07, 2018, 07:25:24 AM
QuoteThe package also includes the film on Blu-ray Disc. Unfortunately, this isn't a newly-mastered Blu-ray edition, created from the new 4K scan. It's the exact same Ultimate Hunter Edition Blu-ray that was released in 2010. That means it's been scrubbed to within an inch of its life with DNR, so much so that everyone looks like a plastic G.I. Joe doll. It's rubbish... except that it features a very nice package of extras. Those include the same audio commentary with McTiernan, the text commentary with Lichtenfeld, and the following additional features:
Oh well, I was gonna buy these for my brother. He doesn't have 4K but I thought he'd appreciate a new BD that was better than the last release. If this is the case then feck it. My wallet's closed.


And now i have a definitve reason not to "upgrade"

Corporal Hicks

QuoteWhile the presentation of Predator 2 lets the AV side down a bit, the original Predator is the one that really matters to movie fans. And with that Fox has done an excellent job of finally giving us the sort of home video release such a classic film deserves.

In fact, with the two follow-on films not really doing the first film proud, my biggest question where this three-movie collection is concerned is if you wouldn't actually be better off saving yourself a few quid by just getting the solo 4K release of the original film instead.

The Old One

The Old One

Good to know, I'll be waiting to get a 4K system for this one then.


Really looking forward to seeing Predator 2 in 4k. Thanks for the review!


I'm hesitant on buying either Predator or Aliens in 4k because there isn't any way to fix the film grain issue, now is there? It's just the way films were made back then. What we've got is what we've got. The end.

Plus it's kind of weird to buy a trilogy to then only later buy another movie. I've bought dozens of these duology/trilogy/quadrilogy's in the past and at my ripe old age... i kind of feel like a sucker. I'm happy with my blu-ry and dvd's tbh and I'll wait for The Predator in 4k... well if it's good, of course.

Still it's not just me right? From degrading VHS to DVD was a large step up and from DVD to Bluray was even better but shockingly movies from the 70/80/early 90's don't (to me) get any better with their 4k transfers. However older films oddly do seem better. Is it worth it to buy 4k, in most cases, no but they do seem better.

The Old One

The Old One

Give me AlienĀ³ (With fixed compositing, perhaps a hybrid cut) on 4K or give me death.


Quote from: whiterabbit on Aug 09, 2018, 10:16:08 PM
I'm hesitant on buying either Predator or Aliens in 4k because there isn't any way to fix the film grain issue, now is there? It's just the way films were made back then. What we've got is what we've got. The end.

Plus it's kind of weird to buy a trilogy to then only later buy another movie. I've bought dozens of these duology/trilogy/quadrilogy's in the past and at my ripe old age... i kind of feel like a sucker. I'm happy with my blu-ry and dvd's tbh and I'll wait for The Predator in 4k... well if it's good, of course.

Still it's not just me right? From degrading VHS to DVD was a large step up and from DVD to Bluray was even better but shockingly movies from the 70/80/early 90's don't (to me) get any better with their 4k transfers. However older films oddly do seem better. Is it worth it to buy 4k, in most cases, no but they do seem better.

I always loved to look at the details and how movies were made, So when I got the Blue Ray Predator 2 I was sooo happy, because I could see the ropes they used for making Predator net slide, or the rope which pulled the jamaican gangster with dreads, I only then noticed that they used puppet face for the same Jamaican guy when net slides through his skin. Also I could notice so mush more details and textures on the Predator. So I was really happy to see it on better resolution then my VHS which still exists, but almost unwatchable (because of how many times I watched it). Or look at all the details of the Jungle in the Original one.
Of course it's probably killing the actual final results that creators were aiming for, but because these are my favorite movies, I love to look at all the small details I didn't notice before on VHS.


Soudns great, is there an equivalent of this quality on the Alien films? I really want the four Alien movies and two Predator together in this quality.

The Old One

The Old One

Not yet, an Alien 4K cut has been approved this year by Ridley Scott though.
Aliens on Blu-ray is likely the best we're going to get judging from JC's track record, it'll probably be exactly the same colour timing etc in 4K.
He could surprise us and release a  wax sculpture mess with digital transformations.  (Judgment Day 4K)

A3 is anyone's guess, I'd want a new intermediate cut with fixed compositing.
(More on the side of the Assembly Cut, trim some of the fat.)
The theatrical cut nor the assembly cut is the best that could be made of the editing and pacing of that film.
It would still be the longest of the three original Alien films at it's best.

The Old One

The Old One


Anyone else disappointed with the Steelbook for this release or just me?

Voodoo Magic

The Kurgan

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Jan 16, 2019, 02:26:35 PM
Quote from: The Old One on Jan 16, 2019, 01:59:02 PM

Anyone else disappointed with the Steelbook for this release or just me?

I like it. It's much better than this imo:

Ugh, horrible artwork. Especially if you consider we lern in the movie that the Predator is not after trophies but DNA-juice from the spines of his victims.

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