Since I got my Romulus figures and accesories, I decide to update my W-Y Commando collection (I love W-Y Commando). I even managed to acquire one additional Commando for the new accesories, but wanted to share whole team, as I customed them abit.
Animal has two Pulse Rifles, to show his more agressive nature and phisical strenght.
Hunter`s weapon is modified sniper Pule Rifle, with added scope and silencer. He also has sidearm pistol for closer encounters.
Boss, the team leader, is now carrying shotgun and twin, short H&K G36C as additional firearm. The do look extremely well next to Pulse Rifle.
Cruncher is the classic one, with his black Pulse Rifle.
Fifth Commando got the newest addition to Alien arsenal, the F44AA Pulse Rifle and Cryo Frame Case with Chestburster in it. I must admitt NECA did one hell of a job with F44AA. It looks absolutely spectacular for such small piece of plastic.
Finally, I do have request for You guys. NECA made name stickers for four Commandos, but I don`t want the fifth one to remain nameless forever. I`m leaning towards Destroyer, but am open for some cool sugestions (preferably starting with letter D,E,F or G).
I do remember an art of W-Y Commando with red star on the helmet, but I can`t seem to find it. If you do have it, I`d be greatfull. Thanks!