NECA Aliens

Started by DerelictShip, Jul 07, 2013, 12:50:59 AM

NECA Aliens (Read 989,045 times)



So we've seen series 1 and the genocide two pack, but whats to come? I've heard rumors of two packs featuring Hicks and Hudson w/battle damaged alien warriors, I've heard of a Queen in December, but what about series 2 and will there be a series 3??



Yep, a long time ago Neca announced two aliens packs, each one with a damaged alien and Hudson and Hicks with helmet. About the series, as the first wave it will be three figures: a repaint of the alien warrior from the second movie, an improved mold of the alien but from the first film and a new marine from the movie. Who would be? Neca will reveal it in the coming SDCC but two hints: as accessory will include a flamethrower and its male and yes, Neca will release the Alien queen for this December so if you missed the one by McFarlane now you have a second chance.
About the third wave, there´s nothing announced yet but Neca in its twitter account said there´s a chance to see Bishop.



Oh boy.

First post at the top of this page is still a pretty good summary.  ;)



And randy said yesterday on twitter that since Aliens series 1 is a big success, in 2014 the line will be more progressive and that will be a good news for us isn't it?



God I hope so. Lord knows I've sunk enough money into series 1 already, lol.



I knew it! Alien-Predator and AVP series are the main source of money for Neca, not mention that they are some of the most wanted franchises by every company which make toys and figures aimed for teenagers-adult public. Todd McFarlane must still hitting his head against the wall.
Now if only Sigourney Waver allow to use her likeness to make a Ripley figure  :P



Mcfarlane got the chance, but missed it by just producing a genetic marine named hicks coincidently. No follow up and no improvement. And NECA nails it.



Or better said by focusing only in sports related lines which I consider by far its biggest, instead of secure or renew the contract with Fox; despite its QC troubles and some marketing mistakes like not making a Nemesis or Wesker figure, Neca is what McFarlane used to be in its golden age.
I hope Neca make in its announced expanded universe figures based in the AvP arcade by Crapcom; yeah I know this is the 1000000000000 time I said this but who knows?



Quote from: Gridseeker on Jul 08, 2013, 04:30:49 AM
Or better said by focusing only in sports related lines which I consider by far its biggest, instead of secure or renew the contract with Fox; despite its QC troubles and some marketing mistakes like not making a Nemesis or Wesker figure, Neca is what McFarlane used to be in its golden age.
I hope Neca make in its announced expanded universe figures based in the AvP arcade by Crapcom; yeah I know this is the 1000000000000 time I said this but who knows?

If the Aliens line continues to sell well I'd imagine we'd see some of the comic characters.
Marines from the ACM comic and Berserker + some of the more memorable aliens.



Now at least series 4 of the Aliens line had been confirmed by Randy today, so what we need to do is to save the money and buy these stuffs



I'm really hoping to see a Dog Alien figure, I'd buy 5 of these pups.
I missed it when McFarlane did those and now I regret it.



Quote from: predlord on Jul 08, 2013, 08:23:50 AM
I'm really hoping to see a Dog Alien figure, I'd buy 5 of these pups.
I missed it when McFarlane did those and now I regret it.

I sort of regret not  picking that one up as well, but then I take another look at the sculpt and... I'd rather wait.

I'm almost more interested in the hints Randy was dropping about more figures from the original Alien. Oh man, that would so rock.

Mister Skeezler

Mister Skeezler

I hope they release a crapload of figures from Alien and Aliens before anything else in the franchise. I'd rather not have Alien:Resurrection Xenos kill the profitability of the line before getting some major wants from the good films.

It would be amazing if we finally get a Space Jockey in it's chair...dead or not.



Why wouldnt they make one for the prometheus jockey as he can sit in that position very well or have it where the original jovkey can be detachable to put in other figures.
I dont really remember the resurrection look except that it looked like ALIENS and ALIEN3 designs combined.
We need a praetorian,at least I do. Will they do expanded universe any time after this?



Bring on the Giger Alien and the Dog Alien!!!!!

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