Screen Capture Requests

Started by Darkness, Jun 13, 2007, 04:34:07 PM

Screen Capture Requests (Read 230,549 times)

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Here you go:




The Big Chap shot is excellent.




Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Looks like all these images are about to go bye-bye.

Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 23, 2023, 08:26:38 PMLooks like all these images are about to go bye-bye.

Sounds like they are pulling a Photo Bucket that will leave half the internet broken again.

Hoping @Corporal Hicks will find time to upload all the "best of" images to the AVPG server so that they are not lost like tears in the rain.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

For flip's sake. If folk want to create a back-up to provide me, we can look at something.

Darkness might be able to find a program that can automatically upload all images in a given thread to the AVPG server.

Think it would be too much work to do manually.



anyone got any pics of Lambert being bitten in the face by the alien, i saw them in a book about alien years ago and i not been able to find em since



Is there any concept art of an Alien Warrior with a skull that's visible?

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