Alien Awakening Fan Attempt

Started by solace97, Jul 08, 2024, 06:27:57 AM

Alien Awakening Fan Attempt (Read 782 times)



I'll try to clean this up later the app I used did a really poor job with auto correct and basic sentence logic, I also just typed this in an hour while bored on a flight. Anywho give it a read or don't and lemme know if you like or would change some stuff! Just figured I would try to give it a shot on explaining all the things that don't make sense to me with the prequels.

Starts out finding the covenant adrift in space. A crew has been sent to track down the ship. It's elt shutoff years ago and a deep space satellite pinged a target caught in an asteroid belt's gravitational pull. The crew boards the ghost ship to find it covered in blood. No one on board. They check the log and find that an escape shuttle left the ship for the planet below. Some of the crew stay aboard the covenant To explore further. The rest travel down to a Lucious planet with ruins and temples. They hone in on the shuttles beacon. Upon touchdown they find it abandoned. They track a trail into a city ruin full of temples. The giger egg silos are scattered about the ruins. They enter one of the temples and find it full of markings. As they go deeper they find all the dead bodies and skeletons from the covenant. They are lined up ritualistically. Blood on the walls and dissected bodies similar to David's lab. Another crew is exploring the underground temples. They find ancient space jockey archeology worshipping the xenomorph. Onboard the covenant the crew is discovering david killed everyone but fled the ship. In the silo David is found at the center shredded to pieces. An android plugs into his systems to access any data he had stored. He can see it all and says this was a bad android, pure evil. The underground crew begins discovering an alien hive. The android taps into a flashback:
David is aboard the covenant. He's shown testing his creation, he tried to trap it and teach it but was attacked. He is headed for the coordinates of a planet that the engineers had noted. They arrive in orbit. The alien began breaking into the cryo chambers killing the sleeping victims. David only saw aggression and decides to kill it and infect another host to try again and make some tweaks to the design. Something more obeying. When he opens the lock the xenomorph attacked and escaped. He didn't have to track it down as he says the beast found him. He killed it but the acid fried the flight control computers. The ship was now adrift outside the planets orbit. David spent days transporting the hosts relentlessly to the surface. He discovered a world more brilliant than the previous. It revealed traces of not only engineers but their creators as well - the space jockeys. He believes this planet served as a middle ground where at one point both species existed. It appears this planet (he calls paradise) was a place where the space jockeys were a dying breed and trying to teach their creation - the engineers - the power of creation and destruction, and how to harness the vastness of the universe. That power was harnessed in the blood of the xenomorph, or in this case the ultramorph (SJ/Engineer xeno). It shows a ritualistic process in which they place one of their own down and then sacrifice them, and killing the xenomorph when it's young and taking its blood. Drinking the blood we see the process in Prometheus. The Space jockey warned them that if they didn't kill the xenomorph when they were young they would go from having the power to create to having the power to destroy- even themselves. David then reads the ancient writing that tells of one of the space jockeys that discovered the xenomorph home-world. They began building multiple hangar/installations across random planets and moons across the universe to attempt to seed worlds and spread life, one of those planets being LV 426. It was there the space jockeys learned the hard way that this power could also be their doom. A jockey was infected as the derelict attempted to dock onto the egg installation. The ship never made it off the ground and an ultramorph was born but wounded (causing the melted hole in alien) by other space jockeys. A warning was emitted from the jockey to stay away. It was through this process of seeding though, that the engineers were born. And once they matured and the jockeys saw their species coming to an end they would entrust the engineers and teach them this power. Which eventually led to humanity.
Many years after the last jockeys faded away, The engineers wanted to take things a step further and tracked down LV 426. The jockeys never revealed the xenomorph home-world, only the instillations they established with eggs in them. It was there that they managed to extract some alien eggs and bring them to LV 223. They created more and more capsules of the black goo. They wanted to seed as many worlds as possible and eradicate those that did not meet their standards. Unbeknownst to them a stowaway was aboard. The ultramorph that spent many years dormant on the derelict snuck onto their ship. It killed the engineers on LV 223 but disappeared into the wild. Or possibly a ritual gone wrong in the capsule chamber.
Fast forward, David is seen back in the silo. He claims it was here however, he learned how to truly create perfection. He discovered the silos once housed thousands of eggs. On the walls were the last pieces of the puzzle as the jockeys had recorded how the alien egg Should be. He immediately got to work. This time the Growing xenomorph seemed more curious in David. Not attacking but seeming to study him. As it grew David kept his distance as to not get wounded again, he wanted to do this one right this time and build a relationship with his son. He watched the creature as it took the hosts he would offer up outside the silo walls underground. David saw this as his creation trying to procreate and evolve as he was trying to do. He noted the creature almost appeared to be making murals with its victims. It cocooned them and watched over them protectively. David was always watching from afar as the creature got older. Always cautious. One day he lined up all his hosts as a peace offering for the creature Inside the silo. He felt the time had finally come for father and son to embrace. He waited in the center of the silo and opened the temple door. He waited for hours until finally the alien curiously approached the entrance and walked up to David in the center of the room. The alien sized him up and down. David held out his arms "My son." The alien immediately attacked shredding the android to pieces. David said to himself as he felt his systems shutting offline, even though he does not feel pain, he could not help but find some sort of gratification in this. The engineers outlived their creators, and the space jockeys saw them evolve before their eyes, such as the engineers seeing the humans grow before theirs, and androids/AI proving their creators they are superior, but as David lies in pieces "dying" he saw the next evolutionary link in the chain, the perfect specimen that he brought back to existence - or so he thought arrogantly - his son. Or maybe it was the universe bringing balance back as this creature had been along for god knows how long and provided both creation and destruction. After years of creation maybe it was time to restore balance with destruction. Its funny how the cycle of the creation looking for the creator has transcended time, but with this creature it cares not. He slips offline.
The android comes back to. He tells the commander everything he has seen and heard. They tell the crew in orbit to head down for immediate evacuation before they encounter trouble. Their mission was to locate the covenant and investigate not to deal with whatever situation they are headed for. The team underground is told to head back to the surface. The pilot lands and tells the copilot to grab them. The team on the surface enters the ship. The android and commander wait outside for the underground team to reunite. The others strap into the ship, the copilot runs to the front of the ship and tells the pilot they're waiting for the others, he doesn't get a response and sees a facehugger on the pilot. The others strapped in the back are simultaneously attacked by a xenomorph. The team in the hive underground is ambushed as well.
The android and team leader are attacked outside the ship, the android is impaled through the chest and shuts down briefly.
When the team leader comes back to he is cocooned in part of the underground temple. The android comes back online.
The remainder will focus on the android communicating with the team leader and some other survivors as they escape the hive and the underground space jockey city. Multiple views of gigeresque architecture. A queen will be in one of the temples. The team leader along with the android and one other will escape. The android will stay behind as he fears the company will access the data he has acquired from David and it will lead to the downfall of humanity. The survivors leave "paradise". Or possibly they make sure to destroy the covenant in orbit as well as the android to keep from the company accessing any data, maybe even have the survivor infected with an alien so he sacrifices himself by destroying the covenant and his vessel as well as killing the android. No survivors.
Post credits
The company is sweeping the area where the Prometheus went missing. They discover the derelicts beacon. Maybe they think it's the Prometheus but they reroute the closest ship at the time to investigate - the nostromo.



I really love how you drew a distinction between the Engineer and Space Jockey species, cementing the idea that David merely recreated the alien and wasn't their original creator.

I am also very happy with the inclusion of the Ultramorph. I was disappointed to find out that the idea was scrapped for Prometheus, as I love xenomorph variants, especially ones that look cool. Not the Deacon, which felt like a downgrade from what we should have gotten.

On top of the fact you're developing an interesting story in its own right, with some intrigue and mystery, you're also fixing some of the problems with the first two prequels while tying things together nicely.



Quote from: Citixeno on Jul 09, 2024, 02:27:50 PMI really love how you drew a distinction between the Engineer and Space Jockey species, cementing the idea that David merely recreated the alien and wasn't their original creator.

I am also very happy with the inclusion of the Ultramorph. I was disappointed to find out that the idea was scrapped for Prometheus, as I love xenomorph variants, especially ones that look cool. Not the Deacon, which felt like a downgrade from what we should have gotten.

On top of the fact you're developing an interesting story in its own right, with some intrigue and mystery, you're also fixing some of the problems with the first two prequels while tying things together nicely.

Hey thanks for the comment! Really positive stuff from you, anything different you would add or would like to see?



Well, I always like a good "final boss" type of fight, perhaps with the Ultramorph or even a Jockey-morph. I find "deal with big monster" to generally be a satisfying climax to a story. Maybe my mindset is too influenced by video games?

Since it's basically an outline/concept story, the equivalent of a very early writing stage, it'd be an interesting read if you were to flesh it out more and fully develop it and write it in a 3rd person-limited perspective novel format. Fully developed characters and all that. But that could be said about pretty much any fanfic outline. Fully developing a story would be a massive undertaking and time investment, and I'd in no way suggest doing that unless you truly got enjoyment out of the process of writing it. That would be so much effort and time; at that point, it'd be in your better interest to make your own IP entirely and publish a novel on Kindle or something, so you might at least get paid even a little bit for all that time and effort.



Quote from: Citixeno on Jul 09, 2024, 06:30:12 PMWell, I always like a good "final boss" type of fight, perhaps with the Ultramorph or even a Jockey-morph. I find "deal with big monster" to generally be a satisfying climax to a story. Maybe my mindset is too influenced by video games?

Since it's basically an outline/concept story, the equivalent of a very early writing stage, it'd be an interesting read if you were to flesh it out more and fully develop it and write it in a 3rd person-limited perspective novel format. Fully developed characters and all that. But that could be said about pretty much any fanfic outline. Fully developing a story would be a massive undertaking and time investment, and I'd in no way suggest doing that unless you truly got enjoyment out of the process of writing it. That would be so much effort and time; at that point, it'd be in your better interest to make your own IP entirely and publish a novel on Kindle or something, so you might at least get paid even a little bit for all that time and effort.

Yeah I plan on cleaning it up and has the idea of making it comic book style but using toy photography and some software to edit the story graphically. I also did think of having the team underneath the city find space jockeys and engineers dead maybe an ultramorph is lurking down there



Right on. That'd definitely achieve what you want to convey. Your story seems to be taking the vibe of Prometheus & Covenant and adding some of that Dark Descent feel with the addition of exploring that ancient Jockey temple underneath the city.



Quote from: Citixeno on Jul 09, 2024, 10:27:06 PMRight on. That'd definitely achieve what you want to convey. Your story seems to be taking the vibe of Prometheus & Covenant and adding some of that Dark Descent feel with the addition of exploring that ancient Jockey temple underneath the city.

Haven't explored dark descent yet I'll have to look into it! But yeah I was just getting frustrated with all the loose holes so I challenged myself to see if I could fill them in a way I would like to see the lure fulfilled, do you write too?



I do, but as a hobby. I have a handful of novels I'd get about 90% finished with. My problem is I get bored of a subject, convince myself there is no audience that'd be interested anyway, and move on to something else. I ought to just get them done and put them up on Kindle. The issue is that some of the genres are oversaturated and basically dead.

Definitely do look up the final boss of Dark Descent. It was basically a space jockey hosted alien, and the jocky species are treated there as totally different to the engineers, where they jockey species are treated at giants without lower bodies that are essentially grown into huge machines. 

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