The Legend Of Bad Blood

Started by (Bad Blood), Dec 29, 2023, 05:34:44 AM

The Legend Of Bad Blood (Read 1,870 times)

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

My friends! I have begun a new project that will be written and illustrated by myself. That will delve into the previously unknown beginnings of the Bad Blood Predator character, from the comic of the same name. It will be a story about how he becomes known as the Bad Blood, his drive and reasons for the choices he makes and how he acquires the Predator skull on his shoulder. It will go into the main reason for his fall from grace from being previously an Elite.
This project will take some time so bare with me. It will include cinematic art and sketch artwork as well and i will do the best I can muster with the written story. The bulk of part one takes place on their home planet Yautja Prime. So stay tuned! All of the story and art will be uploaded on this topic page periodically. Here is the start of my full color illustration, this is just for one single page and scene, so essentially it will be a mini graphic novel when it is finished.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I'm looking forward to seeing how this one goes, Bad Blood!



Great idea! As all the Predators die in almost all the media, all we have left is their backstories, which are ripe for the taking.

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 02, 2024, 09:42:48 AMI'm looking forward to seeing how this one goes, Bad Blood!
Thank you so much my friend!
Quote from: Wweyland on Jan 02, 2024, 10:48:34 AMGreat idea! As all the Predators die in almost all the media, all we have left is their backstories, which are ripe for the taking.
Thank you my friend! Very true, I will give it very much detail and respect. I  will also use Yautja language names since I doubt they would just call him Bad Blood at home. So it will be well thought out.



You have some serious art talent. I love the detail, not just on the predator, but I can tell you also took the time on the background. Rushing the backgrounds is something I am guilty of in my own art.

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

Quote from: Citixeno on Jul 10, 2024, 08:35:23 PMYou have some serious art talent. I love the detail, not just on the predator, but I can tell you also took the time on the background. Rushing the backgrounds is something I am guilty of in my own art.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it Honestly. I know exactly how you feel, backgrounds are quite the challenge.

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