A Xenomorph, as created by Midjourney V5

Started by kie, Mar 16, 2023, 01:01:29 PM

A Xenomorph, as created by Midjourney V5 (Read 2,162 times)


A Xenomorph created using Midjourney v5. Here I used a seed image to try and steer the illustration which worked pretty well, it's not perfect, but fortunately the shadows hide the mistakes somewhat.

I've used Midjourney since June last year, version 5 is the first which will accurately paint the Alien


*A Xenomorph, as plagiarized by Midjourney



lol, not a fan of synthethic sorry, my apologies... Artificial intelligence?

I did actually use a seed image from Alien Isolation for this... Tbh, I wish this tech didn't exist. but well, its here now


It looks like one of the Marvel panels, which isn't the best thing.

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