Fede Alvarez working on new Alien film!

Started by MudButt, Mar 04, 2022, 10:06:48 PM

Fede Alvarez working on new Alien film! (Read 80,544 times)

Nightmare Asylum

The fact that Alvarez's pitch, whatever it may be, is a germ that sort of sat in Ridley's brain and gestated in a way that Ridley remembered it and decided to give Fede a ring to get this off the ground is probably the most interesting component of this whole announcement.

I wish I could get over my many, many hangups right now. Fede himself as a filmmaker, Disney's uprooting of Fox as its own studio, an Alien film going direct to streaming, etc. Being pretty bummed about the news of a new Alien film coming certainly isn't fun. But maybe my very low expectations might work in the film's favor here.

I do wish they would slow down a bit though. A new series and a new film is... a lot to process at the same time. I don't want to see Alien go the Star Wars/Marvel route of having a bunch of releases churned out each year. Let each film (or show) be important in and of itself.

The last time Ridley was enthralled enough by a sci-fi pitch to get involved and get it off the ground, though, it was Aaron Guzikowski's Raised By Wolves, and that's something I absolutely adore right now. So maybe that should give me some additional hope here?

I don't know. I just feel so incredibly hollow about so much of this. We'll see what happens.


Pretty much exactly how I feel.

I have no faith in the filmmaker himself.

But the Ridley Scott thing's got my attention.

Local Trouble

All these new projects sound like the cinematic equivalent of shovelware.

But at least it's not a sequel to Covenant.


Sigh. So we're getting this instead of a proper continuation of the prequel storyline. Yeah I'm out.


Would you be alright with the idea of Ridley Scott making an indirect sequel?

One where it's a completely new story that follows the themes he's interested in, but say it's actually set after Resurrection, and David's not directly in the film but the wreckage of the Covenant appears halfway through or something?


It'd be better than nothing, but I'd prefer to see David again.

Immortan Jonesy

Yes, Ridley Scott alone is the only interesting thing so far. :P


That's cause Ridley Scott is the only interesting thing.


Straight to hulu gives me straight to dvd vibes but dont vreath was pretty decent so this might be good just depends on the budget

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 05, 2022, 12:42:37 AM

But at least it's not a sequel to Covenant.

And at least will have something in the works when Noah Hawley walks away from the TV series and the whole project gets canned.
I kid, I kid... (hopefully :-\)


Haven't we been here before? 2 alien projects that are unrelated in production at the same time? If i was Noah Hawley i would tell them to can the movie or I'm walking.....and i don't blame him.

There's a reason this type of thing doesn't happen elsewhere. Except for the Batman meanwhile there's upcoming DC movies that take place elsewhere. Now ask yourself if your impressed with how the current DCEU is going?

This is not a great idea.

Nightmare Asylum

Now that we're officially in 'multiple projects happening concurrently' territory, I really hope that they don't just start sharing assets between productions. I don't want to see the exact same Weta Alien designed for Hawley's show just reused here to cut costs (I've noticed a lot of similar sharing of materials between the various Star Wars films and shows recently). Let each team be able to design and build up their own interpretation of this world and its creatures from scratch, please.

judge death

Quote from: Richman678 on Mar 05, 2022, 01:39:40 AM
Haven't we been here before? 2 alien projects that are unrelated in production at the same time? If i was Noah Hawley i would tell them to can the movie or I'm walking.....and i don't blame him.

There's a reason this type of thing doesn't happen elsewhere. Except for the Batman meanwhile there's upcoming DC movies that take place elsewhere. Now ask yourself if your impressed with how the current DCEU is going?

This is not a great idea.
Not many who cares about Batman or the new movie, its: oh another batman movie okay.... Its so far far away from quality and fame we can get from the 1989 Batrman and batman returns which is highly hold up even to this day.
But then we are talking about disney and they are FAMOUS for milking their franchises dry until the franchise is dead.

Actually, I would hope with how they handled the last few SW movies they'll have a better handling in this franchise.

LAst I checked the last movie: rise of skywalker is seen as the worst movie the fans has seen, even worse than last jedi according to many, and its a mix up of random ideas and fan service that was just a big mess. Wouldnt say it was a better movie. Disneys star wars movies started good but gone downhill fast.

OK a new alien movie:
Good things:
1: It is its own thing and not a follow up to ripley or the prequels, hopefuylly its something with new charachters and own story but folows the alien quadtrilogies lore and parameters or the rpg which is excellent at this, and avoid the shit show marvels comics are.
2: Decent director.
3: Scott liking it and remember his movie idea, unlike blomkamp it seem to have some promise.

Bad things:
1: Hulu only wtf?! Cinema release and physical release, if its stream only I will so pirate it, I rather own the movie for the future than to relay ona  didigtal service.
2: Director is alright but his movies are pretty standard, evil dead remake was fun and decent but depended on gore only horror and wasnt much content besides that. His other movies have been original and decent. So we will get a decent movie but probably not a masterpiece like alien-alien3.
3: Its disney and they seem to release ton of stuff without making time to make sure its good, we seen how they treat star wars and their other franchises....
4: No sequel to scotts new trilogy? WTF: I want an ending to the covenant ending.

Immortan Jonesy

Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Mar 05, 2022, 02:41:21 AM
Now that we're officially in 'multiple projects happening concurrently' territory, I really hope that they don't just start sharing assets between productions. I don't want to see the exact same Weta Alien designed for Hawley's show just reused here to cut costs (I've noticed a lot of similar sharing of materials between the various Star Wars films and shows recently). Let each team be able to design and build up their own interpretation of this world and its creatures from scratch, please.

Well, arguably all the Alien movies, including those with the same director ( ;) ;D) are exactly that. I am somewhat confident that this is going to be similar. :laugh:

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Immortan Jonesy on Mar 05, 2022, 02:52:00 AM
Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Mar 05, 2022, 02:41:21 AM
Now that we're officially in 'multiple projects happening concurrently' territory, I really hope that they don't just start sharing assets between productions. I don't want to see the exact same Weta Alien designed for Hawley's show just reused here to cut costs (I've noticed a lot of similar sharing of materials between the various Star Wars films and shows recently). Let each team be able to design and build up their own interpretation of this world and its creatures from scratch, please.

Well, arguably all the Alien movies, including those with the same director ( ;) ;D) are exactly that. I am somewhat confident that this is going to be similar. :laugh:

What I mean is something more akin to AVP just straight up reusing Resurrection's Alien suits. Be they suits, or digital assets, I don't want to see the Aliens designed for Hawley just handed off to Fede afterwards for his film.

The Alien obviously has a specific and iconic form/identity... but there should be a certain degree of wiggle room within each installment for each filmmaker and their creative team to reinterpret the creatures to some degree, rather than just be handed something designed by a different team for a different project. I've been noticing a lot of props, ships, aliens, etc. being shared between various recent Star Wars projects, for example, and it just kind of takes me out of it. I wouldn't want to see the Alien Alien in Aliens, and vice versa, and it would be nice if each new installment is able to leave its own individual mark as well.

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