Which Predator will be October's Paid DLC?

Started by RidgeTop, Sep 05, 2021, 12:54:01 AM

Place your bets...

Tiki (Datamined Original Pred class name)
1 (9.1%)
Mr. Black
7 (63.6%)
1 (9.1%)
1 (9.1%)
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Some other original Predator
0 (0%)
Some other EU Predator
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: Oct 15, 2021, 12:54:01 AM

Which Predator will be October's Paid DLC? (Read 21,375 times)


I'm hoping for Scarface. Mostly for balance fixes and the speargun but for Predator DLC, Scarface would be awesome.

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Mr.Turok on Oct 25, 2021, 09:33:00 PM
I'm hoping for Scarface. Mostly for balance fixes and the speargun but for Predator DLC, Scarface would be awesome.

Scarface would be awesome!


Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Oct 25, 2021, 09:40:46 PM
Quote from: Mr.Turok on Oct 25, 2021, 09:33:00 PM
I'm hoping for Scarface. Mostly for balance fixes and the speargun but for Predator DLC, Scarface would be awesome.

Scarface would be awesome!

That would also be a great choice. He's a fan favorite and given he was the main Pred in the last major Predator game before this one, I could see it happening.

bobby brown

maybe it's a Halloween-themed predator. A frankensteined, escaped lab subject. Or a mutant spliced-up predator.

I hope not tough.


Well then... guess it's Friday.

Voodoo Magic

Yeah, I was all excited when I received a notification that Illfonic tweeted, only to find an Arcadegeddon post.   :-\



Quote from: bobby brown on Oct 26, 2021, 09:52:55 AM
maybe it's a Halloween-themed predator. A frankensteined, escaped lab subject. Or a mutant spliced-up predator.

I hope not tough.


Illfonic themselves have said that releasing a new patch on a Friday, before the weekend, is bad, since that's when the most people play and if there would be any new bugs(which has never happened before when Illfonic has released a new patch ;)) it's not going to look as good.

But then its not like they practice what they preach.


I would be happy with any new movie Predator or Scarface.


They tend to wait until the last possible minute, don't they? I remember back in April they dropped the update on a Wednesday.



Quote from: Samhain13 on Oct 26, 2021, 09:01:15 PM
Quote from: bobby brown on Oct 26, 2021, 09:52:55 AM
maybe it's a Halloween-themed predator. A frankensteined, escaped lab subject. Or a mutant spliced-up predator.

I hope not tough.


Illfonic themselves have said that releasing a new patch on a Friday, before the weekend, is bad, since that's when the most people play and if there would be any new bugs(which has never happened before when Illfonic has released a new patch ;)) it's not going to look as good.

But then its not like they practice what they preach.

So instead of taking advantage of more people discovering bugs that can damage gameplay that can easily be reported at the time for Illfonic to fix, thus improving their product for all to enjoy.......they care about image above all else?   :P

Little wonder the shape of the game currently.

Voodoo Magic

The shape of the game is still great on PS. As someone who plays 4-5 days a week consistently, the playerbase is still there - pre & post the PS Promotion, and I'm still having a blast. I met/joined party/friended a group of players just last night. Still 30 second wait times for Fireteams. That's never changed. We never have a need for a bot unless someone drops. (I love that you can take over for a bot though.) Clash is healthy too. The map count is where it needs to be - no one is complaining anymore for more maps. The balance is the best it's been. And bugs are at a minimum.

I do feel bad for the PC players though. Apparently their side was the necessity for the bots from what I read on the Illfonic forums. And as much as some PC players would not like to believe, PS players in this community, myself, PS players outside the community, I keep asking, I make it a point to ask, and more than not check their crossplay off (including me). "I don't wanna play with no f'n PC players"... because there's an advantage with fps on PC. PS players are the lionshare of the playerbase and most are pretty smart when it comes to that imbalance. And the in-game option to turn that off isn't hidden.



Quote from: Mr.Turok on Oct 27, 2021, 02:11:36 AM
So instead of taking advantage of more people discovering bugs that can damage gameplay that can easily be reported at the time for Illfonic to fix, thus improving their product for all to enjoy.......they care about image above all else?   :P

Little wonder the shape of the game currently.

Also they don't like working on weekends.

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Oct 27, 2021, 12:44:40 PM
I do feel bad for the PC players though. Apparently their side was the necessity for the bots from what I read on the Illfonic forums. And as much as some PC players would not like to believe, PS players in this community, myself, PS players outside the community, I keep asking, I make it a point to ask, and more than not check their crossplay off (including me). "I don't wanna play with no f'n PC players"... because there's an advantage with fps on PC. PS players are the lionshare of the playerbase and most are pretty smart when it comes to that imbalance. And the in-game option to turn that off isn't hidden.

We on PC are all getting matches as FT in 30 seconds and as Predator in 2-3 minutes, most people on PS don't turn crossplay off, you guys that do it are a minority that doesn't affect us. If I'm playing ft solo most time I'm the only PC player in the lobby, we only play with crossplay off if we have a party of 4 PC players since its too easy to win otherwise, still fast to find matches as FT even then.

The game is poorly optimized for PC, I play it with 40-50 fps most of the time due to the graphics I have it set, on ps5 you can get that same type of fps. Most people on PC can only go with over 60 fps if they lower the graphics.

The advantage on PC is more in regards to the aiming and spotting you can do with the mouse, key biddings etc.

Bots were added more due to complains of how bad randoms fireteam players you get into matches with are, if you are playing alone you are going to have to fight the Predator 1v1 most of the time. Bots are more usefull since they follow you around, can drop ammo or medkits, give you extra lives, are actually capable to hitting the Predator.

Here is an example of an average match with randoms and a bot now:

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Samhain13 on Oct 27, 2021, 02:46:01 PM
most people on PS don't turn crossplay off, you guys that do it are a minority that doesn't affect us.

While there are no real stats provided by Illfonic to support this declaration (in either perspective), this is the current reflection of the times. Knowledgeable PS players have been toggling off crossplay to avoid PC players for years, not just with Predator: Hunting Grounds. And they turn it off not just to avoid the unfair interface advantage PC players have, but to also avoid their concerns with the PC hacks and cheating tools. Me and three randoners were all literally discussing this last night and we all had it turned off coming in.

So as long as your lionshare majority of playerbase is console born, it's going to negatively impact PC's playerbase, especially if the game leans fps. It will hurt the PC side more than the console side, no matter how one might be a PC fan. It's just gravity, and you can't negotiate with gravity. :)



We don't even have to cus its not affecting us as of now.

I finished a match that I got into it in 30 seconds just now:

Some of us on PC kind of prefer to get 5 players and do privates against each other anyway since pubs on this game can get pretty boring fast. We have discord groups for that.

Voodoo Magic

Hey, if you guys on PC aren't experiencing any lack of playerbase right now, that's awesome! I want that for everyone in this game's second year, especially as a die-hard fan! I was just responding Turok's post in regards to the shape of the game, and at least on the PS side, it's still rocking & rolling and was still even before the pre-PS+ promotion. So I'm a very happy fan. Woot!!!

Now give us our update Illfonic!  :D

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