Which Predator will be October's Paid DLC?

Started by RidgeTop, Sep 05, 2021, 12:54:01 AM

Place your bets...

Tiki (Datamined Original Pred class name)
1 (9.1%)
Mr. Black
7 (63.6%)
1 (9.1%)
1 (9.1%)
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Some other original Predator
0 (0%)
Some other EU Predator
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: Oct 15, 2021, 12:54:01 AM

Which Predator will be October's Paid DLC? (Read 21,360 times)



We're getting another Paid DLC Predator in October, I'm curious to see who we think it could or should be...

The first four poll options have some evidence to support their possible inclusion.



Class Mention

Mr. Black:

Armor and Mask already done

Datamined Plasmacaster animation:


Datamined Plasmacaster animation:

Datamined Mask:

Datamined Shruiken:


Armor and Mask already done

Falcon Drone:

Personally I voted for Scar, hoping to see him come to the game and I'm a shuriken fan. I think since they've been doing mostly original Predators since last fall, and the last movie based one was City Hunter last summer, that it is about time for another movie-based Pred. I think Tiki will be coming eventually though.


I'm fully expecting Tiki given their utter refusal to do movie classes.

What I'd want ideally is a 2018 class .

- Shuriken
- 2018 dogs
- helmet mounted plasmacaster gear
- disc launcher
- dual wrist blades
- stolen stargazer rifle
- exoskeleton ability
- shooting out a wrist blade

And you could finally use alternate costumes under Armor styles where we can finally get a battle damaged armor since Fugitive runs both looks.

Just take all the cool shit from 2018, throw it on a class because that's way too much stuff to simply shove out a class with a disk reskin twice. A ton of stuff from 2018 could be used in-game.

And really if you're going to do the AVP Predator you need something like the scimitars or a weapon from the sequel like the power punch glove. We shouldn't wait two months if only for weapon variants.


The Predator 2018 dogs ought to be all put down.


Really dont know what to expect. I hope for not another cosplay predator, and one with good stats that doesnt get nerfed later on.

If I were to choose by preference: Scarface > Wolf > Mr. Black


I'm think Mr Black because of the rest of the DLC's theme so far.

The Shuriken

To me it seems insane to have Isabelle in the game and then not top her off with Mr. Black.

Voodoo Magic

Nah, I don't think we're ever getting a Mr. Black class, not when you've already released the best part for free, the bio-mask, months before. Your undercutting your own sales potential.



Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 06, 2021, 01:26:58 PM
Nah, I don't think we're ever getting a Mr. Black class, not when you've already released the best part for free, the bio-mask, months before. Your undercutting your own sales potential.

As of right now, I doubt they really are interested in sales of the base product. Illfonic would leave Sony to worry about that and considering they are giving it away for free soon, their only engagement is to draw attention to other games or just make people have a look see.

To think they have a real financial plan for DLC drops selling for 5$ is a very tough sell even if the majority of the playerbase already owns the game and those who dont own it aren't going to fork over cash just because the predator's helmet and skin is a different shade of ugly.

IMHO, if Illfonic likes the fanbase and is comfortable putting out a new model/skin/character that won't break the game, they will release Mr.Black with the film likeness. I think they do like the game. But its not a make or break financially. They just need to commit to it using their own time.

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

My bet, as I outlined in another thread a while ago, is that we'll get the Falconer as a DLC predator, along with the falcon as a new weapon/gear, some class-specific shaders (ala City Hunter), and the Tracker mask as a free cosmetic. That way players will be able to recreate all three of the predators from that film without doubling down on any content already released (as Voodoo points out).

Lately though, I've started to wonder if Illfonic is playing a bit of a bluff. After the delayed Isabelle release they switched to using generic placeholder images for the roadmap, so we can only tell whether we're getting a fireteam or predator class, right? But what if this next one is a human who wears predator tech, ala Noland...?


For the love of Gort I hope they finally add Mr Black.......but I don't think they will. I really do feel like the addition of his mask was the death knell for him as his own character.

Most likely it'll be Tiki, since her, Valkyrie and Cleo were all datamined together, and none of them are based on any movies. But I'd love to have Wolf, Broken Tusk or Ahab either. Though to be honest, any more characters from the movies at all would be a (pleasant) surprise to me at this point.


Characters have to fit within the same sort of framework. Human Predators like Royce would be cool but it is a mechanic to be able to follow the green blood meaning Royce would have an exploit. The Predator Killer is the same way unless that suit was worn by a Predator. I don't think we'd get them outside a Fireteam character though I have no idea why we haven't given Noland, Royce, and Quinn all have cool gear items and weapons that would make for a good playable character. That hit boxes would also be very different for them much like how we aren't getting the four armed Predator or Assassin. You'd also need to alter weapons and gear animations for them,

Tiki if we're lucky is a Super Predator.



Falconer could make sense, since he just has the same armor as Mr. Black, you could just swap the masks and have a Mr. Black skin and dreadlock pattern. It would be odd of them to have that falcon drone modeled just to abandon it, and also for Mr. Black to just be the one using it.

Then again Falconer never had a plasma caster, and if they were to give him one I'd think it would be of the more traditional design that Tracker was using, rather than the spinning one used by Mr. Black that we've seen datamined.

Unless of course they're releasing them both as a class two-pack, since they have such similar elements. I think that could do well.

Quote from: The Necronoir on Sep 06, 2021, 02:18:18 PM
Lately though, I've started to wonder if Illfonic is playing a bit of a bluff. After the delayed Isabelle release they switched to using generic placeholder images for the roadmap, so we can only tell whether we're getting a fireteam or predator class, right? But what if this next one is a human who wears predator tech, ala Noland...?

Based on the latest PlayStation blog post, I'm pretty sure October's will be another Predator.

"We have heard the requests for more Yautja and modes, and while we can't share any details yet – be sure to keep an eye on our social media handles and forums!"


Quote from: RidgeTop on Sep 06, 2021, 09:02:07 PM
Falconer could make sense, since he just has the same armor as Mr. Black, you could just swap the masks and have a Mr. Black skin and dreadlock pattern. It would be odd of them to have that falcon drone modeled just to abandon it, and also for Mr. Black to just be the one using it.

Then again Falconer never had a plasma caster, and if they were to give him one I'd think it would be of the more traditional design that Tracker was using, rather than the spinning one used by Mr. Black that we've seen datamined.

Unless of course they're releasing them both as a class two-pack, since they have such similar elements. I think that could do well.

Quote from: The Necronoir on Sep 06, 2021, 02:18:18 PM
Lately though, I've started to wonder if Illfonic is playing a bit of a bluff. After the delayed Isabelle release they switched to using generic placeholder images for the roadmap, so we can only tell whether we're getting a fireteam or predator class, right? But what if this next one is a human who wears predator tech, ala Noland...?

Based on the latest PlayStation blog post, I'm pretty sure October's will be another Predator.

"We have heard the requests for more Yautja and modes, and while we can't share any details yet – be sure to keep an eye on our social media handles and forums!"

Falconer and Mr.Black wear slightly different armors with Falconer's other big change having a much more covered left gauntlet than Mr.Black does. The base body would work but if Illfonic is going to go to the trouble of making Falconer and Mr.Black it'd be better to do all three. They did add a laser for the City Hunter breather so it's possible Falconer would get a change for the sake of gameplay. If he's built on Mr.Black he'd have one by default. They could give the ability to swap out plasmacaster for a falcon so it wouldn't matter. Plasmacasters are seperate objects to the Predator and they did have an alternate on JH at launch, it might be something they can mess with.

The Necronoir

Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Sep 07, 2021, 12:38:20 PM
Quote from: RidgeTop on Sep 06, 2021, 09:02:07 PM
Falconer could make sense, since he just has the same armor as Mr. Black, you could just swap the masks and have a Mr. Black skin and dreadlock pattern. It would be odd of them to have that falcon drone modeled just to abandon it, and also for Mr. Black to just be the one using it.

Then again Falconer never had a plasma caster, and if they were to give him one I'd think it would be of the more traditional design that Tracker was using, rather than the spinning one used by Mr. Black that we've seen datamined.

Unless of course they're releasing them both as a class two-pack, since they have such similar elements. I think that could do well.

Quote from: The Necronoir on Sep 06, 2021, 02:18:18 PM
Lately though, I've started to wonder if Illfonic is playing a bit of a bluff. After the delayed Isabelle release they switched to using generic placeholder images for the roadmap, so we can only tell whether we're getting a fireteam or predator class, right? But what if this next one is a human who wears predator tech, ala Noland...?

Based on the latest PlayStation blog post, I'm pretty sure October's will be another Predator.

"We have heard the requests for more Yautja and modes, and while we can't share any details yet – be sure to keep an eye on our social media handles and forums!"

Falconer and Mr.Black wear slightly different armors with Falconer's other big change having a much more covered left gauntlet than Mr.Black does. The base body would work but if Illfonic is going to go to the trouble of making Falconer and Mr.Black it'd be better to do all three. They did add a laser for the City Hunter breather so it's possible Falconer would get a change for the sake of gameplay. If he's built on Mr.Black he'd have one by default. They could give the ability to swap out plasmacaster for a falcon so it wouldn't matter. Plasmacasters are seperate objects to the Predator and they did have an alternate on JH at launch, it might be something they can mess with.

I think they'd probably combine elements of Mr Black into any potential Falconer DLC, including the gatling plasma caster RidgeTop mentions. Another factor that makes me think that way is having the mask included in Isabelle's outfit. We eventually got the Sabre mask from Dutch's gear after all.

The result wouldn't be 100% movie accurate, but close enough to appease most people who want a complete Mr Black, Falconer, and possibly Tracker as well. I'd be satisfied with that.

Voodoo Magic

They totally missed the boat I think with a Predators expansion pack, packaging a playable Isabelle, the Super Predators, A.I. River Ghosts and one Hunting Reserve Planet map (which would be free available to all).

In a bare bones approach: With no chopper lead-in, the mission is locate the missing randomized Predator ship components on the map and escape to the Predator ship *which they already have the model for. Mission briefly displayed on screen. Targets on map. No Zeus required. The Hunting Reserve can be done with mostly all the same jungle assets. Just add some planets in the horizon sky and one Predator camp. Add a totem here and there. River Ghost will be the same Stargazer AI they use now, increase their speed by triple, give them some type of projectile laser based weapon and decrease their numbers by 80%.

Sure I'd love hell hounds, and cutting down an A.I. crucified Predator that fights along side you once freed, but I was thinking just in a real thin minimum effort type of way for Illfonic to pull it off.

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