Ask John Shirley

Started by JohnShirley, Jan 29, 2007, 04:14:40 AM

Ask John Shirley (Read 54,342 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

2nd printing, right?



that's pretty good, means lots of Predator fans were yearning for a new book.



Reading all of the above, It seems to me that Dark Horse were did the right thing for the comic writers: Issue guidelines to not delve into sexuality. If a character is that close to figure it out, they're already dead. :)



After actually reading Forever Midnight i thought it was a good book. I really like John Shirleys work. As a concept i always saw the predator as a yautje-like creature but the Hish idea definately works. It,s just another idea, another predator universe. John shirley is a great writer, i,m looking forward to another one of his predator novels.

great work Shirley! :)

Garo Predator

Garo Predator

yea forever midnight was to a w to da some



I think in an effort to get away from the "KAWAII YAUTJA!!!!!!!!11111111111" John went a little to far in the opposite extreme, but I think the Forever Midnight was a good book.



Forever Midnight was horrible on an indescribable level..
The writing was impeccable, don't get me  wrong there, but the Hish...oh those poor Hish. Never, ever will they be qualified as part of the entire Predator universe in my book. I am happy to have gotten past that book with those...things.

Steve Perry's yautja were so much better in my opinion, and he is even called the Originator of the expanded universe in Beautiful Monsters... 



Except he ... in no way is, given that there were quite a few pieces of expanded material before Perry rocked along. Doing adaptations. Of expanded material.

That's another reason I don't like that book (Beautiful Monsters). Too much opinion.



Quote from: Cetanu on Sep 07, 2008, 02:50:30 AM
Steve Perry's yautja were so much better in my opinion, and he is even called the Originator of the expanded universe in Beautiful Monsters... 

You mean the EU that includes a predator having his arm sliced off by a redneck wielding a machete? Or the one that includes their masks being knocked off each and every time they punched in the face? (Did anyone else notice that predators almost never take their masks off in the comics but almost always have it knocked off by the inane hero with a stick?)

The EU has been as unkind to the predators as AVPR was to the aliens.




Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Cetanu on Sep 07, 2008, 02:50:30 AM
Steve Perry's yautja were so much better in my opinion, and he is even called the Originator of the expanded universe in Beautiful Monsters... 



Thanks for that. I was certain it wasn't European Union ;D

The...EU...was just as mean to the Aliens. They didn't win for the first three books of Earth Hive (we're getting OT here...)



I dont want to throw another log on the 'Yautja/Hish' fire, but I cant help but throw another possibility idea out there.
Every main species seems to have subspecies involved as well. Take humans for example. We all walk on two legs, 2 eyes, nose, yada yada yada, but there are obvious differences in different cultures. IE- Caucasion, Africans, Asian, Hispanic, etcetera. Could it be possible that we could justify both of them by the subspecies idea?

Oh, PS, I have absolutely no intention of stiring up any racial things and was simply using examples to support my idea. Please dont get mad at me!

The Lizard King

The Lizard King

As I have asked all the other authors here do you plan on writing another alien or predator novel in the near future. P.S. Steel Egg and Forever Midnight were good reads

The PredBen

The PredBen

Okay Okay people! I do not understand why a lot of people view Perry as this 100 % right guy. His Predators were HUMAN BEINGS IN MIND! Also 90% of histories warrior cultures were FAR more ruthless then Perry's Predators. Also they accepted a human into their group.... SAMURI DO NOT EXCEPT ANYONE INTO THEIR CLANS AH!!!!! so it's stupid when people say " he based them off the samurai ".. .wrong he based them off wimpy and weak Samuri that were killed in battle or broke honor and let idiots into their clans only to be killed by the head Samuri. These are aliens here , not humans .... Also note like I just said he tried hard to make them like us and failed as I said since Samuri are FAR MORE ruthless then his predators.

Okay before I am burned alive let me say this. I hated the whole gender thing in forever midnight.. a HORRID IDEA... and the idea to use slaves made Predators look weak... I also thought it was okay to have a female dominated Predator culture like in Perry's book but he never told us much about that culture...

Perry -  tried to turn Predators into humans with a code of honor more noble then most knights or Samurai.

Shirley - Attempted to make them more alien in all the wrong ways.

Whatever you choose we lose.....

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