Neil Blomkamp Has "Moved On" From Alien 5

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 02, 2018, 10:23:48 PM

Neil Blomkamp Has "Moved On" From Alien 5 (Read 113,747 times)


Neill lost the plot.


"Cut and paste" hit too close to home for Neil.

Necronomicon II

Apparently he was being sarcastic in a follow up tweet.


... Was that not obvious?

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Seems it wasn't.  ;) Twitter is making everyone stupid.


Quote from: Necronomicon II on Sep 17, 2021, 04:15:57 AM
Apparently he was being sarcastic in a follow up tweet.

The first rule of the internet - you can't understand sarcasm or serious things without a smile. He don't put the smile = he can be serious.

Blomkamp has lashed out at people before on twitter, so it's very difficult to discern his so-called "sarcasm". More like he's probably just doing damage control after he got berated numerous times and cooled down a bit.

Villeneuve (unlike Blomkamp) did "get to play in Ridley Scott's universe". 2049 then proceeded to bomb at the box office and what happens? Villeneuve gets to make another big-budget film based on one of the best sci-fi novels ever written (that also happens to be Villeneuve's favourite book),

Now Dune is getting rave reviews and Warner media have assured Villeneuve that he'll still get to make part two even if Dune underperforms at the box office.

Whereas Blomkamp has numerous big sci-fi projects that never came to fruition, Halo, Alien 5, Robocop, D9 sequel and now his latest film is getting negative reviews.

So one can understand why Blomkamp would be feeling a wee bit jealous towards this fellow Canadian director. Still very bad form to lash out at him like that.



Apparently I'm a dummy if I didn't realize his plain text tweet of "What a f**king a**hole" was just sarcasm?

Right ::)


Quote from: Necronomicon II on Sep 17, 2021, 04:15:57 AM
Apparently he was being sarcastic in a follow up tweet.

Necronomicon II

Blomkamp has no horse in this race, his horse ran away a long time ago. In fact I don't think he ever had a horse. 🤣   And yeah he really should be clear if he's being sarcastic or not.


You read it. I though it was clear?

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