Rebellion's position on further AVP support

Started by [REB]Trigger, Jul 21, 2010, 01:19:06 PM

Rebellion's position on further AVP support (Read 79,353 times)

The Old One

The Old One

The lack of modification support ended the community, in my opinion.


Quote from: Fiendishly Inventive on Nov 28, 2019, 03:10:55 PM
The lack of modification support ended the community, in my opinion.

Mods keep PC games alive, there are some mods still going for the original Battlefield 1942.
Not having mod tools for your game just means it will eventually die, you've already bought the tombstone and the plot.


Mods made PC gaming what it is today.

For example, Valve released 'Halflife' in 1998 and while a solid game in its own right, it wasn't until the Counterstrike Mod was released did it really take off and significantly elevate sales of the base game.  It ensured 'Halflife 2' go into production to be the first game released on Steam. 

Would steam exist without the success of the Counterstrike mod? 

I can't answer that question but the fact it can be asked at all demonstrates the influence of a single mod.


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