For all those who hate A:CM

Started by Predator@Alien, Oct 16, 2019, 01:44:02 PM

For all those who hate A:CM (Read 26,249 times)

The Old One

The Old One

Absolutely agreed.



Quote from: The Cruentus on Feb 09, 2020, 06:59:58 PM
I do agree with you but unless someone can get a statement or some bit infor that can be cited then there is no point putting it on the On Xenopedia however, we are planning to use tabs to seperate the A;CM information.

Some of the other alien wikis have plagiarised from us, I don't bother with them except to report them when I can.

That is interesting, A:CM being treated as canon has bothered me so much since it came out.

Is there any update on this regarding Xenopedia?

The Cruentus

The Cruentus

We are working on a way to seperate the information, we are thinking maybe using tabs or something. its clear that A;CM is no longer canon anymore and so the information on the articles shouldn't be considered a part of the main canon. So we are going to work on that.....once we do get around to it. We have already had a discussion about the tabs but I am not a coder and the last I used tabs, it didn't work properly.



Completely off-topic, but

QuoteDodgson! Dodgson!! We have Dodgson here!!!

Dodgson > 1 Google search later > Lewis Carroll AKA Charles Lutwidge Dodgson > Poem "The Hunting of the Snark" > Snark, huh? Sounds familiar > 1 more Google search later > Snark - one of the earlier names for Nostromo

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

If you didn't get the reference, it was a Jurassic Park reference. But that's funny too.  :laugh:



But now it's connected to our beloved acid-blooded extra-terrestrial too. Isn't it great ?

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