Site / Forum Updates - New Theme 28/08/15

Started by Darkness, Nov 01, 2009, 06:40:12 PM

Site / Forum Updates - New Theme 28/08/15 (Read 83,194 times)

Corporal Hicks

I'd like to thank all those subscribing. Due to the amount of work we've putting into the site, Darkness in particular, the place has grown in popularity so much and you know, it costs to keep it running. So I'd like to thanks those who have contributed, especially since it's individually it's not that much. I'll be looking at various things I can offer to our subscribers too so look out for that.  :)

Corporal Hicks

Can confirm that we'll be giving subscribers the option of buying our AvPGalaxy shirts too:

TJ Doc

Is that Basement Cat on the far right (your left)? Spooky...

Corporal Hicks

He's there to steal my awesome shirt.


My daughter immediately noticed a pink unicorn ....  ;D

One big WOW... ;D ;D

Shirt is awesome, I'm thinking about it... ;D


Definately want to subscribe, I just don't have a credit card. :(

Corporal Hicks

*cough* Debit card.


I don't have one of those, either. xD

I'll find a way, it may not be for a while but I will subscribe!

Corporal Hicks

*cough* Ask your brother/father/mother.


Good idea. ;D I'll let the topic get back on track now.

Corporal Hicks

Indeed. Well folks, the only way you'll get one of our super awesome t-shirts is through subscription and it's all towards helping keep the site online!


I want a super awesome t-shirt, what sizes do they come in?

Corporal Hicks

Whatever size you want and if I can find a plain one of those shirts.


Mr. Domino


As if I needed another reason to subscribe lol. I'll probably be buying multiple shirts.

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