Hot Toys Alien: Romulus

Started by BonesawT101, Sep 06, 2024, 05:53:10 PM

Hot Toys Alien: Romulus (Read 5,774 times)



Preordered! Can't wait to put this next to my other alien hot toy figures.



Pre ordered this, but not really happy about the changes from the proto to this production example. I expected the paint job to be inferior but they've given it a bumpy texture all over that I'm not fond of.



In some photos it looks amazing, in others it looks sub par... I think whoever the photographer was just didn't do a great job at capturing it in some photos.

I think once you have it in hand it will look amazing.



Wonder when the figure for the Offspring will be released whether it's Neca, Hot Toys or any other figure manufacturing, it requires a matter of time after the films release so the figure doesn't come out first or it's images leaking early spoiling the Offspring's reveal.



Quote from: Genosha175 on Nov 30, 2024, 12:09:20 PMPre ordered this, but not really happy about the changes from the proto to this production example. I expected the paint job to be inferior but they've given it a bumpy texture all over that I'm not fond of.
Well...seeing as the actual Scorched Alien in the movie had a bumpy texture, I don't see how you can complain about this.



Quote from: Sabres21768 on Dec 02, 2024, 01:15:19 AMWell...seeing as the actual Scorched Alien in the movie had a bumpy texture, I don't see how you can complain about this.

Some did, some did not. the picture of the big animatronic with the blue shoulders like the proto of this figure definitely did not. And the one that did was nowhere near this over the top.

bobby brown

bobby brown

Absolutely immaculate figure for sure. I am very tempted a pre-ordering this. I'm just afraid those mouth tendons will deteriorate and snap. that will ruin the figure for me.



Unfortunately, this is to be expected. They could solve it better if they simply made the mouth tendons out of plastic like Neca and could be pushed into the head.
But maybe they'll think it doesn't look so good anymore.

bobby brown

bobby brown

They could have sculpted the mouth as a solid interchangeable piece.



The tendons on my AvP drone from 2007 are still fine.

As is the rest of the rubber on it.

And I live in the subtropics, and do not take any particular care of the thing.



Quote from: bobby brown on Dec 05, 2024, 10:47:19 AMThey could have sculpted the mouth as a solid interchangeable piece.
yes, that would certainly be a stable solution in the long run.
I have some figures twice.
In some cases the rubber crumbled after years.
Others don't and they're like the first day.

Mike’s Monsters

Mike’s Monsters

They show a Hot Toys Rain a few slides in from this post about their booth at Japan Comic Con:



When you spend $3000 on a statue, $300 is loose change lol



That's a good sign that we could get a NECA Rain.



It would be great if there was more from the alien universe.

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