Lanard Toys Producing 4-Inch Scale Aliens & Predator Figures- Toyark

Started by 426Buddy, Nov 22, 2019, 01:57:15 AM

Lanard Toys Producing 4-Inch Scale Aliens & Predator Figures- Toyark (Read 63,678 times)


Quote from: Xenomrph on Sep 19, 2022, 10:04:49 PMI love the jumbo 12" Predator with the light up plasmacaster and moving mandibles, 9 year old me would have lost his mind over this thing.

Puts the Hasbro two pack to shame innit?



That beautiful two-pack. I loved em as a kid, but they had the articulation of barbie dolls.


I have that Predator when he was packed solo, slightly different paint scheme. He's pretty cool for what he was at the time, but yeah the only articulation was swivels at the shoulders I think. He was big and chunky though.

Lanard 12" big boy blows him away.


Quote from: OpenMaw on Sep 19, 2022, 11:07:37 PM
That beautiful two-pack. I loved em as a kid, but they had the articulation of barbie dolls.
Quote from: Xenomrph on Sep 20, 2022, 03:29:19 AMI have that Predator when he was packed solo, slightly different paint scheme. He's pretty cool for what he was at the time, but yeah the only articulation was swivels at the shoulders I think. He was big and chunky though.
I still have that orange one he was always on my desk fighting the 12" Alien doll from the Resurrection line from the late '90s
Lanard 12" big boy blows him away.



Quote from: pmaz11 on Sep 02, 2022, 12:01:04 AMCame across the new figures at a local Walmart & had to snag 'em! ;D

Really dig this 2nd wave & the Jungle Hunter figure is a great classic for Lanard!
Can you hook up the receipt so I can find them based on stock numbers bruva.  That jungle hunter is fire.

Never mind, found them today, they seem to be hitting stores pretty regularly now, along with the new wave of the alien figures, and their oddly neon glory.


I'm gonna be honest, it's going to be rough to see Lenard lose this license.  For a number of reasons.

I saw their Alien line in 2019 and 2020, the smaller line, wasn't that impressed.

In very late 2020 but really early 2021, I saw the 7 inch alien stuff hit the shelves, and while not movie accurate colors, looked dramatically better.  Dog alien with the mutt in particular.  Most accurate.

But it was when I saw the Predator toy line, totally unexpectedly and without warning, they caught me totally by surprise.  I did not expect that, I did not know they got the license.

And unlike the Alien product, the Pred figures seem to be much more accurate in terms of detail and even color blocking, not NECA accurate but at least respectful of the movies and source material.

But they also weirdly evoked the 90s Kenner line, which was probably what also hit me in my feels, being a kid in the late 80s to the early to mid 90s loving these films, probably when I shouldn't.  My favorite horror / sci-fi / sci-fi action horror flicks, I was at the exact right age when the Kenner alien and predator stuff was at its peak.

But Lanard was a really cool hybrid line, a modern take on the Kenner figures.  It was detailed enough to appeal to adults, not quite NECA absurd detail but also not nearly as expensive but obviously pretty detailed and accurate but also durable and toy-etic enough for kids to play with.

But this accurate, series 2, scaled down version of the Big Jungle Hunter Pred is my favorite figure in the line.

I knew about the Falconer and the bright blue Stalker one, but this one took me by surprise.  I think they kept Anytime v2 hush-hush. 

I had just spoke with a representative from Lanard recently where they said they didn't have the license anymore and they didn't even know if the series 2 was going to make store shelves.

It's just a shame that they don't have it and we're not going to get more figures from them.

This updated release of Jungle Hunter was kind of what I pictured them doing from the outset.  I loved the translucent version with jungle camouflage, a variant that looks cool and makes sense.  But I desperately wanted a true Kenner esque version in total accuracy and color with removable mask.  And here we got it.  Face sculpt looks great, as does the bio mask. 

And all this at a $10 price point.  When NECA Preds are now $35 - $45 at retail.


I could've done without the blue stalker predator, I don't even think he's from an actual movie.  I would've much rather preferred seeing a tracker predator to go along with falconer and berserker.

Would've liked even more to see a City Hunter in the same manner of this new Jungle Hunter, removable mask etc. 

And if only they could've got a Feral out to retail around the movie even before NECA.  A masked and removable maskless.

These figures go amazing with the 6 inch Hasbro G.I. Joe classified line by the way.

At least this line is going out somewhat with a bang. I highly suggest everybody pick them up.

Saw a fresh case get opened tonight.  2x Stalker, 2x Falconer, 2x Anytimes.  Tonight I got 2x Anytimes and one Falconer.


Quote from: OpenMaw on Sep 19, 2022, 06:31:00 PMI'm a little miffed that their aliens line started out on the smaller scale. The alien and predator stuff can't be put together really. Their APC and all that are way too small to go with the Predators.

And yes, that is the Jungle Hunter they should have led with. I specifically didn't pick up the JH figure back then because it was partially cloaked. I hate that gimmick on figures.
Translucent is a stupid gimmick on many figures but on this one actually made sense


Quote from: OpenMaw on Sep 19, 2022, 11:07:37 PM
That beautiful two-pack. I loved em as a kid, but they had the articulation of barbie dolls.
Quote from: OpenMaw on Sep 19, 2022, 11:07:37 PM
That beautiful two-pack. I loved em as a kid, but they had the articulation of barbie dolls.
Barbies have better articulating a lot of the time I never had this but i still have the orange repaint predator, and the smaller versions of that alien mold,I think that is the same mold (except for the head) as the ricks two pack which I saw a few years ago at a gamestop in Hamilton for $70 but i didn't get it.

Agent Aztlan

A little update on the line of what could have been the Predator Series 3.

In September 2024 I asked Lanard Toys some questions and I got answers today:
QuoteHi, I am a huge fan of what you did with the Predator franchise and I wanted to ask you some questions about it:

1. Before your toyline was cancelled, did you plane to have a Predator Series 3? If yes, what figures were considered? Do you have pictures of prototypes, 3D models or sketchs of unreleased figures?

2. "Hunter Series" was on all boxes, did you plan to create a "Hunted Series" with Dutch or other humans?

3. Were you limited in the choice of characters to create? I mean you have released 2 figures from Predator, 2 figures from Predator 2 and 2 figures from Predators. Were movies like Alien vs Predator, Aliens vs Predator: Requiem, The Predator or even games like Predator: Hunting Grounds or comics possible to work on?

Thank you for your futures answers!

And the answers:
QuoteHi, Sorry for the late response. On point #1, yes, we were going to do series 3 which would have been AVP. Unfortunately we cannot release or show any work on AVP.  On point # 2, no, we did not have clearance to do any human characters. Point #3, yes we were limited and not allowed to move forward with AVP.

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