NECA life-sized foam Alien & Predator wall busts

Started by RidgeTop, Aug 03, 2018, 11:47:52 PM

NECA life-sized foam Alien & Predator wall busts (Read 1,350 times)



From NECA's Facebook Page:

"Alien – Foam Replica – Xenomorph Wall-Mounted Bust

Show off your skills as a hunter with this stunning Alien Xenomorph trophy plaque, which mounts on the wall for an eye-catching piece that's perfect for retail decoration or display at home. The Xenomorph plaque is made of durable foam rubber and latex that is carefully hand painted for realistic detail. It measures over 31 inches tall, over 21 inches wide, and approximately 17 inches deep. It comes with everything you need to mount the plaque to your wall.

Please Note: This wall hanging is a heavy object weighing approximately 12 pounds and we recommend professional installation. You must install this unit to structural elements (2″x4″ wall studs).
Shipping Date: November 2018
More info on the #NECA site:"



"Predator – Foam Replica – Predator Wall-Mounted Bust

Show off your skills as a hunter with this stunning #Predator trophy plaque, which mounts on the wall for an eye-catching piece that's perfect for retail decoration or display at home. The Predator plaque is made of durable foam rubber and latex that is carefully hand painted for realistic detail. It measures 26 inches tall, over 23 inches wide, and almost 13 inches deep. It comes with everything you need to mount the plaque to your wall.

Please Note: This wall hanging is a heavy object weighing approximately 13 pounds and we recommend professional installation. You must install this unit to structural elements (2″x4″ wall studs).
Shipping Date: November 2018
More info on the #NECA site:



No word on price yet.

El Diablo

I've never purchased any of NECA's foam replicas. Does anyone know how long this material lasts?


Foam, so a no go for me.


Predator version probably looks better but yeah foam unfortunately. I read it'll be about $300 each.

Kane's other son

They look bad, like toys blown up to actual size.

The Old One

The Old One

This perfectly showcases everything I think is wrong with NECA's big chap sculpt, no elegance.



I think they look great

Too bad they are foam and overpriced.


Quote from: Kane's other son on Aug 04, 2018, 03:58:35 PM
They look bad, like toys blown up to actual size.
Except their toy sculpts are more accurate generally.


NECA is restocking the Alien trophy. I'm trying to talk myself into ordering one...

Does anyone have one of these from the original run? I'm curious how it's held up, or if they're prone to rotting.

Corporal Hicks

I'd be curious to know if anyone here has one too. I always see these and think about trying to hunt them down. But with all the talk of Hot Toy's rotting recently, I'm worried about how well these would hold up considering their hefty cost.


Not great, probably better off with the Prime 1 offerings.

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