How to access single player mode?

Started by Citixeno, Jun 22, 2024, 03:16:25 PM

How to access single player mode? (Read 1,352 times)



I just picked this game up and proceeded to beclowned myself. What menu do I enter to play in a practice mode with AI helpers or hand-holder/tutorial mode so that I can learn the basic game mechanics without jumping into a game with players who already know what they are doing and messing up their play?

Edit: I got it figured out now. I looked it up on YT, and it turns out that it's easy to select single-player mode with AI helpers instead. Now I just need to not die irl by falling off my treadmill as I play. 

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

You should be able to start sessions without matchmaking but offhand I can't remember the specific menu options.



Thanks man. Yeah, I ought to have updated my post, as since then I figured out how to use the AI bots.




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