Every Enemy and Non-Human Creatures in Aliens Fireteam Elite

Started by PAS, Mar 03, 2021, 09:49:26 PM

Every Enemy and Non-Human Creatures in Aliens Fireteam Elite (Read 86,431 times)


Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Sep 07, 2021, 12:40:49 AM
Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 06, 2021, 05:10:21 PM
Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Sep 06, 2021, 05:04:51 PM
Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 05, 2021, 11:00:30 PM

The enemy list is complete! All 3 factions have pictures, descriptions and basic ingame behavior/strategy

Cool! Where can I find that info though?
Which info? If you mean the list and stuff, original post in the thread, if you mean my sources, it comes from the Intel ingame and ingame dialogue

Both. Anyways, thank you for updating the initial post. I wanna read more ingame dialogue, intel and content. Guess people will start sharing it online a couple of months from now.
I could record myself going through all intel if you want



Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Mar 03, 2021, 09:49:26 PMHere is a list of all non-human creatures found in the game! Separated by faction.
This list will be continuously updated if more enemies or creatures appear post-launch!

Xenomorphs XX121
Alien Runner
Runners are the most common enemy in the game, being born out of the local wildlife around Pala Station.
 Runners are based on their Alien 3 counterpart, the famous Dog Alien, or "The Dragon", they share their counterpart's aggression and speed, and sound quite similar too.
 Runners work as the basic fodder unit from the Alien faction, coming in packs to try and overwhelm your Squad.


Alien Prowler
Prowlers seem to be based on the Alien Sentries described by the Alien RPG, being the Warrior version of a Runner.
 Prowler's design seems to take inspiration from classic Kenner toys, the Cougar Alien come to mind, aside from that, it's a Red runner with sharper shoulders, neck spikes and a crowned head.
 In gameplay, Prowlers will act in 2 manners, ambushing and rushing. Ambushing is self explanatory, the Prowler will wait in a corner, wall, ceiling or even behind objects to try and pounce on unaware Marines. Prowlers will rush at the players when they spawn alongside packs of Runners, usually rushing at the Fireteam in pairs.


Alien Burster
Bursters seem to be mutated Runners that scream in pain while rushing at the Fireteam, Colonel Shipp entertains the thought that they are born from local wildlife.
In gameplay, Bursters act exactly like Runners, being a bit more tanky, noisy, and exploding into dangerous pools of acid upon death.

Alien Spitter
Spitters seem to be mutated Xenomorphs, showing signs of decay and looking completely unnatural. As suggested by the shape of their heads and in-game dialogue, Spitters seem to have been affected by black goo at some point before maturing, resulting in this intriguing creature.
 Design wise, Spitters resemble a hybrid of a Neomorph and a Xenomorph, with sacks of glowing acid growing out of their decaying skin.
In game, Spitters will keep their distance for the most part, spitting balls of acid at the Fireteam, if the ball doesn't hit a player, it will form a puddle of acid on the ground.

Alien Drone
The Drone is the basic human spawned Xenomorph. Being a semi rare and dangerous spawn.
 The Drone is the classic and titular Alien, his design being inspired by good old Big Chap, but with some clear liberties taken for style.
 In game, the Drone can mow down an unprepared Fireteam's HP, and sometimes, come back to do it again! The Drone works in a similar style to it's Isolation Counterpart, he will spot you, he will rush at you, he will beat your ass, then hide in the vents to come back and do it all over again, the Drone can be scared off if enough damage is applied.


Alien Warrior
A show stealer, the Warrior will make it's presence known the moment it enters into battle, another human spawned Xenomorph.
 The Warrior is based on it's counterpart of the same name from the second movie, it has the same liberties added to the Drone applied to it.
 In gameplay, the Warrior is a tank that is quick on it's toes to get on your face and try to rip it out. Aside from armor and a big health pool, the Warrior can also grab onto a Marine to try and impale them with it's tail.


Alien Praetorian
Royal Guards to the Queen and evolved adult Drones, Praetorians are mean, fast and dangerous.
 Possibly the most unique take on a Praetorian yet, having a white exoskeleton instead of the average dark or pale colors of other iterations, and the first time a Praetorian appears in a solo Alien game!
 In game, Praetorians work as mini bosses that function similarly to the Warrior, but faster, stronger and bigger. With all new animations and sounds too.


Alien Crusher
The Praetorian counterpart to the Runners, Crushers are fast moving tanks.
 Same deal as the Praetorian really
 In game, Crushers have bullet proof heads and sometimes come in pairs, it functions like a tank.


Ovomorph and Facehugger
Every Xeno has to start somewhere.
 Design is pretty standard, but the models do look good.
 Facehuggers seem a bit like jokes if you take care of the eggs first, that is until you walk past an egg you didn't see, and that hugger comes back to pounce on your face while your Team is dealing with Prowlers and Warriors. Due to their small size, Facehuggers are hard to see in the middle of battle, and can be a dangerous nuisance that can lead to the failure of a mission, but can also be completely avoided by smart Marines.


Alien Queen
The Queen is a map hazard, and not a real enemy or boss. She will chase you in the last level of the game.
Her design seems to take cues from both Aliens and AvP.


Elite Drone - Mini-Boss Variant of Drone
 Has a Scripted encounter on E1M2, named as Monica, may appear as a future common enemy.
Radioactive Spitter - Mini-Boss Variant of Spitter
 Rare spawn on Horde mode, slim chance of showing up on campaign missions.

Working Joe
You always know a working Joe!
 Working Joes (or Maintenance Synths as the game calls them) make a grand return in Aliens Fireteam Elite, sporting a design similar to the late-game Joes you would find in Alien Isolation, they use the maintenance jack as their weapon of choice and make the exact sounds they made in Isolation!
 Ingame, Joes work as a melee unit that will rush at the Marines with little care for itself, often in groups as both Katanga and Pala Station were supplied with a great number of them.

Riot-Shield Working Joe
These Joes come at you with stun batons and shields.
 They sport the same design as their non-Riot counterpart, but without their hood, letting us see their good old uncanny face.
 In gameplay, they will sometimes spawn in groups to rush at the Fireteam in the middle of firefights, aiming through the visor, at the legs or using explosives is advised.

Detonator Working Joe
Barely functioning Joes with overcharged cores.
 Oddly enough, these Joes wear an all black outfit, aside from that, they have visible damage to their body, being headless and having a huge hole in their stomach, where you can see their inner workings and core.
 In gameplay, they are similar to the Bursters. Rush, die, explode.

Synth Guard
Basic Synth combat unit, uses a shotgun and is mostly fragile, mostly.
 This is the basic cannon fodder that Cynthia will use against you, not that smart, but the shotgun can do some damage up close, use cover!

Combat Synth
A specialized combat unit, Combat Synths use long range weapons and are a bit more armored than Guard Synths
 Design wise, Combat Synths look almost exactly like Guard Synths, but with additional armor.
 Functions almost exactly the same as Guard Synths, so much so you can barely tell them apart on normal difficulties! Strategy is the same as Guard synth too, take cover and fire away.

Combat Synth Warden
Wardens are a bit smarter than their other Synth Brethren, and seen to take the role of Squad leaders among them.
 Design looks similar to Synth Guards, but sporting a WY cap.
 Same as Combat Synth, but tankier, he can also throw grenades, so watch out for that.

Combat Synth Sniper
Specialized assassination units, Snipers are dangerous nuisances on the battlefield that will keep their distance from the Fireteam.
 Snipers look different from their fellow synths, sporting an all black stealth like suit and having bright red eyes.
 In combat, Snipers will keep their distance and move if flanked, they will focus their aim into one single Marine and try shooting at them for a decent amount of damage.

Combat Synth Demolisher
Heavy Synth Combat Unit.
 Sporting full body armor, shoulder rockets and a minigun, this Synth is quite dangerous and stands out among the rest.
 In gameplay, the Heavy Synth is a slow moving tank, using a Minigun that can deal serious damage and sometimes shooting rockets out of his shoulder, aim for the head and taken cover.

Combat Synth Incinerator
Another Heavy Combat Synth unit, specializing in incinerating.
 Sporting even more armor than the Heavy Synth, the Incinerator is a tanky and dangerous unit that can quickly melt throw anything if given the chance.
 Like it's other tanky counterpart, the Incinerator Synth is a tank, but he moves a bit faster and can only attack from close range, the fuel tanks in his back can be destroyed, resulting in instant death and in an explosion.

Weyland Yutani Pop-up Sentry
Small Sentry Turrets built for easy carry and military use, the very same used by your Fireteam
 Looks identical to the Sentries used by the Marines(but without the ammo stocks), but sporting a white color scheme,
 The best strategy against them is to take cover and shoot. They don't do much damage but should still be prioritized.

Pathogen Mutants
Pathogen Popper
Implied to be a mutant rat, Poppers are suicidal things that move in swarms to try and infect anything they see.
 Design wise, it looks very much inspired by the Headcrabs from the Half Life series, I guess it has come full circle now. Poppers are very disgusting to look at and to listen to, looking like swarms of overgrown ticks.
 In gameplay, they are fairly easy to kill, and will die upon attacking you, the problem comes in their numbers, coming in the hundreds per wave.

Pathogen Revenant
Also knowns as Husks ingame, they are Mutated Weyland Yutani guards and Scientists, Revenants are a disturbing sight to see.
 Inspired by a deleted version of the Fifield mutation scene from Prometheus, Revenants ressemble alot that scrapped design, but this time, having full white skin, looking alot like their Neomorph cousins.
In gameplay, Revenants will roam around the halls of the Derelict Ship, aimlessly looking for prey. When alerted of the Squad's presence, they will rush towards the Fireteam in a similar fashion to Runners and Poppers, their numbers also rivaling the two.


Pathogen Stalker
Transformed due to contact with the Black Goo, the indigenous Leon Stalker splits it's head in half, turns white and re-positions 2 of it's limbs to be used as weapons, turning into the Pathogen Stalker, aka Leon-895.
 The Stalker improves the already existing camouflaging ability from the Leons, being able to turn invisible in a similar way to our good old Predators.
 In gameplay, they act like a big Prowler with the health-pool of a Crusher and escaping mechanic of a Drone. He will roar, come out of cloak, attack, cloak and run off, then try to come back later for more.


A chestbursted Frog-like creature, possibly indigenous to the planet.

A chestbursted Leon Stalker, native predators of the planet.

Engineer Armor found in the Temple.

I love this post.


Thanks! I will probs updated it with the expansion enemies at some point


Makes me wish the videogame had a bestiary.


Love The praetorian is getting some recognition

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