Alien: Colonial Marines On An EVGA 3070RTX

Started by Garethmb, Jan 09, 2021, 04:58:11 PM

Alien: Colonial Marines On An EVGA 3070RTX (Read 6,685 times)


For some reason I opted to install the game again and see what it looks like on a new card. I did not even map the keys so just left them with the arrows for movement. Do you see any improvement in the game?


I had to stop watching after seeing you go down that same little corridor and try to interact with that same dead guy for the fifth time.


Quote from: Garethmb on Jan 09, 2021, 04:58:11 PM
For some reason I opted to install the game again and see what it looks like on a new card. I did not even map the keys so just left them with the arrows for movement. Do you see any improvement in the game?

What graphical improvements you were expecting to see besides potential higher resolution and higher framerate?

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