(Xbox 360) A: CM BUG HUNT - looking for other marines to play with

Started by SpUdD13, Apr 18, 2014, 12:09:40 PM

(Xbox 360) A: CM BUG HUNT - looking for other marines to play with (Read 2,771 times)


gamertag: spudd1313



If we get two more people I'd be so down for some Bug Hunt.

John Stevens

Reporting for combat!!  gamer tag TUSKY687787 Ooorahhh to Ashes Marines

jimmy has noface

hello every one im trying to get a DLC squad of 6-10 people on aliens colonial marines together on xbox 360 who own all the DLCs and get some games going if your interested let me know or add the gamer tag "v10l3nt punx"(please also leave a message confirming you have the DLCs or i may think your a recent player stalker)


I'm down. Add me for 360 play: PRJ since1990

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