Aliens Colonial Marine Challenge Guide Thread

Started by Lie, Mar 23, 2013, 09:49:16 PM

Aliens Colonial Marine Challenge Guide Thread (Read 49,977 times)


My Challenge Guide For You All

Some of the following Challenges contain Unmissable if you feel you want advice on these challenges; best location etc just ask.

Marines Challenges (Can be completed On or Off-line):

1- Field Modified: Purchase a Marine weapon upgrade
The easiest way to level up as a marine is to complete survival ops in Survivor or Escape matches

2- Spray N' Pray: Kill 5 enemies with hip fire
Don't aim in, the best weapon to do this with is any Shotgun

3- Two For One: Kill two enemies with one shot from an Underslung Grenade Launcher
In the beginning of the second mission there are 2 marines that come through the first door, stand behind the container and don't aim in just off a single grenade aimed at the first marine this should kill the other marine if they are close enough

4- Boom Stick: Kill 20 enemies using the Pump Shotguns primary fire

5- Big f**king Signal: Track 5 xenos at once on your Motion Tracker
First Mission, just after where Keys throws the grenade pull out your Motion Tracker and wait

6- Heavily Armed: Kill 7 enemies using a primary weapons alternate fire

7- Kill Or Be Killed: Kill 20 enemies with any rifles primary fire
Use the Assault Rifle, the primary fire is strong enough to kill Xeno's if all 3 shots make contact on game modes lower than Hardened difficulty

8- Straight Shooter: Get 10 headshots using the Service Pistol
Headshots are just that, you don't need to kill them with it just hit them in the head

9- Airtime: Kill 20 enemies that are climbing on the walls or ceiling
In No Hope In Hadley's with the Smartgun corridor, you can use any weapon to get this challenge

10- Pop Goes The Melon: Get 10 headshots on xenos with any rifle
Same as the Straight Shooter challenge

11- Short, Controlled Bursts: Do not miss an enemy with any bullets from a full rifle mag
Hope In Hadley's first take care of all 7 Xeno soldiers and lead the crusher away from the AI marines, lead it to the far right of where you first enter, the trick is to make it think it can't react you by going close to the sides of the walls, you can also use the Queen in Home to do this challenge if you find her movements more predictable this saves you going through half a level, customize your Assault Rifle to have great accuracy

12- Sharp Shooter: Kill 20 enemies that are 15m away or farther, using the Battle Rifle
Derelict Reclaimed is the easiest level to complete this on, use all the open area and customise your Battle Rifle with the "Smart Targeting Scope" it makes it easier to pinpoint targets, remember to aim for the ones really far away

13- Trapper: Kill 20 enemies with Battle Rifle Mines
The best spot where you'll get 2 in one is the Second level first 2 Marines you face if you restart the checkpoint you won't lose any progress you've made in the challenge, I suggest Recruit difficulty

14- Second To None: Kill 15 enemies with any side arm
Unmissable, but better off in Campaign levels

15- Carry A Big Stick: Kill 3 enemies with a primary weapons alternate fire without dying
Use the Assault Rifles Flamethrower on Hope In Hadley's at the very beginning of the level

16- Back On Your Feet: Revive 5 other players in Coop Campaign or Versus Matches
Start an Ultimate Badass in Co-Op Campaign with a friend on the 3rd level No Hope In Hadley's kill your friend and revive them 5 times

17- Equal Opportunity: Kill 20 enemies using the Combat Pistol

18- Set Em Up, Knock Em Down: Kill 10 enemies with Claymores, Mine Launcher Mines or Acid Traps
Second level first two marines restart when you need more ammo, use both Claymores and the Battle Rifle to make quick work of this challenge

19- Spread The Love: Kill 2 enemies within 10 seconds using the SMG
Second level first two marines

20- Xenophobia: Kill 10 Soldier, 10 Lurker or 10 Spitter xeno's
Play anything OTHER than Survivor or Escape, the Soldiers, Lurkers and Spitters in Campaign also count towards this challenge

21- Blown To Hell: Kill 20 enemies using the Assault Rifles Grenade Launcher
Hope In Hadley's restart from last checkpoint when you need more ammo

22- Make It Count: Shoot enemies with an entire clip using the Service Pistol without missing or reloading
Use The queen in Home

23- Down But Not Out: Kill an enemy while incapacitated
Recruit Co-Op Campaign Hope In Hadley's let them pick you off then have a Combat Pistol ready to open fire

24- Amateur Surgeon: Decapitate a xenomorph
Hope In Hadley's head shot with any Shotgun, you can also use the Assault Rifle for this challenge

25- Flash Fire: Kill 2 enemies with fire damage within 10 seconds
Have a fire bomb ready as the door opens on the second level and burn the 2 marines at once, you can also charge in at them with Assault Rifles flamethrower

26- Judge, Jury And Executioner: Execute 20 enemies using the Pulse Rifles primary fire

27- Shotty Workmanship: Kill 20 enemies using the Tactical Shotguns primary fire

28- Keep Up The Fire: Kill 6 enemies in under 60 seconds using the SMG
Make it as accurate as possible and don't aim in, use Hope In Hadley's on Recruit difficulty

29- Reflex Action: Kill 5 xenomorphs that are inside a vent using the Pump Shotgun
There are 2 easy ways to get this challenge, on the first level where your with O'neil in the giant circular room with the orange flashing lights, if you look along the left wall the first time you enter the room near the floor you'll see an Alien coming out of the hole in the wall, shot him at any point while he's coming out of the hole. The second way a place in the Escape map Emergency Evac just after you push the button to open the door that lead to the welded door at the beginning you can shot the Xeno's in that small passageway to the bottom left of when you enter the corridor, it counts as a vent

30- The Silent Killer: Kill 5 enemies using a suppressor on the Battle Rifle

31- Amputation: Remove 20 limbs from xenos using the Tactical Shotgun
This is one of the more challenging one it's takes while to get the aiming down, pick Hope In Hadley's and aim for the thighs of the Xeno's

32- Stand Your Ground: Make the killing shot on a crusher using the Service Pistol
If you've just completed Amputation stay on course to the Crusher take out all the soldier Xeno's that will get in the way, move the Crusher away from the AI and just your time, change to the Service Pistol when you start to see spots of blood on his body

33- Combined Arms: Use the Combat Pistol to kill 10 enemies that were on fire
This challenge has 1 condition, you must set them on fire, they don't have to be burning as they die but they have to have been on fire at one point for it to count towards the challenge, I used the 2 marines on the second level because of the lack of AI characters and restarted when they died, use the Assault Rifles Flamethrower and lightly tap it

34- Feel The Burn: Kill 20 enemies using firebombs
Hope at Hadley's just restart at the checkpoint after you've run out of Fire Bombs, while doing this one you should try to get 3 in 1 Fire Bomb Trophy/Achievement if you do't already have it, you can also use the Pulse Rifles Fire Bombs for this  challenge

35- Assault With Intent: Kill 20 enemies using the Assault Rifles primary fire

36- Light Em Up: Kill 20 enemies using the Assault Rifles Underslung Flamethrower
Hope In Hadley's has more easy targets plus you can restart when your out of ammo

37- Shock Trooper: Kill 20 enemies that were stunned using the Tactical Shotguns Arc Rounds
Use the 2 marines at the beginning of the second level, this is the hardest of this set so take your time with it

Campaign Challenges (They will only register on Campaign Solo or Co-op):

1- Solid Legs: Complete a campaign mission on any difficulty

2- Splattered: Gib 5 enemies in a single campaign mission
To Gib means to blow apart, the Smartgun does this to most Xeno's it kills, you can use any explosive weapons other than incendiary to complete this challenge

3- Better Than Harsh Language: Kill 5 enemies with melee in a single campaign mission
This challenge is next to impossible to do on Xeno's your best shot is to use the Marines on the second and third levels, if you play it on Co-op campaign being knocked down doesn't count as dying so you can get up and continue were you left off

4- Nice Groupings: Kill 2 enemies with a single shot from the Pump Shotgun
This one of the hard challenges in the game be mindful of that, make your Pump Shotgun as inaccurate as possible with the highest rate of fire possible, on the second level stand behind the box just in front of the door as the 2 marines enter shot one of them if that one dies but the other one doesn't shot him as fast as you can, I have work it out that the challenge really is Kill 2 enemies within 1 second using the Pump Shotgun, this challenge is easier done on Recruit difficulty in solo Campaign

5- Tactical Supremacy: Kill 6 enemies with Tactical weapons in a campaign mission
Using Claymore's, Fire Bombs, Grenades, kill the Xeno at the beginning of Hope In Hadley's

6- Double Tap: Kill 2 enemies that are stunned in a campaign mission
First 2 marines on the second level of campaign hit them with the Tactical Shotguns alternate fire then kill them

7- Bug Hunter: Kill 5 facehuggers
Facehugger can be found on the second level and Derelict Reclaimed

8- Sawbones: Remove a total of 20 limbs from xenomorphs
Smartgun, grenades, rifles, shotguns anything other than the Pistols or weapons that use fire damage can blow off limbs

9- Iron Fist: Kill 10 enemies with melee in a single campaign mission without dying
Second level with a friend on Co-Op to revive you if you get knocked down, melee the marines and the facehuggers avoid melee'in the Soldier Xeno's

10- Superior Firepower: Kill 2 enemies with the Smart Gun, Flamethrower or RPG in a campaign mission

11- Inside Out: Kill 5 enemies with explosives in a campaign mission
This is better on Xeno's than Marines

12- Battle Hardened: Complete a campaign mission on Hardened or higher difficulty
Home is the easiest mission to complete, just watch out for the Soldier Xeno's

13- Ultimate Badass: Complete a campaign mission on Ultimate Badass
Same as Battle Hardened

Multiplayer Challenges (These challenges can be completed on both Single Player, Co-op Campaign and Online Multiplayer):

1- Mutation: Purchase a Xeno combat upgrade
The easiest way to ranked up as a Xeno is a kill streak in Death Match or to get a kill in Survivor or Escape

2- Eggstermination: Win an Extermination mode match
You can make an offline match by pressing Square (PS3) or X (Xbox) and collect 1 or more objectives and wait for the time to run out

3- Survivalist: Win a Survivor mode match
This can also be done through Private match and waiting for the timer to run out

4- Escape Artist: Win an Escape mode match
Private match again but it's a 15 minute wait

5- Victorious: Kill 25 enemies in Team Death Match

6- Raking Claws: As a Soldier Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Quick Strike
Using Impale brings you closer to the enemy and deals damage at the same time then use Quick Strike from there on

7- Spit In Your Eye: As a Spitter Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Acid Spit
Chose Extermination match and camp, this the first of the hardest branch of challenges I suggest setting out to learn how Acid Spit works from this challenge as the skills will aid you later on, Acid Spit is more effective if shot from the ceiling, not the walks or ground level

8- Cat-Like Reflexes: As a Lurker Xeno, pounce on three enemies in less than 10 seconds
For this challenge you need Speed Pounce which is unlocked at rank 14 for the Xeno, you can Speed Pounce the same Marine 3 times just back up and wait for him to get on his feet. 2 things to remember; don't pounce too soon, pouncing late is better than having to wait through the missed pounces recharge time, 2nd do not attack him/her with anything else while doing this challenge, as the second pounce will kill your target

9- Heads Up: As a Xeno, kill an enemy from the wall or ceiling
R1 or R2 (PS3) or RB or Right Trigger (Xbox) as the Soldier Xeno will make it do a stabbing tail attack from the wall, it's very close range so watch out as you are left open when doing this

10- Sentry Duty: Destroy 5 Sentry turrets
Escape modes Emergency Evac has 2 sentry guns but doing this on Survivor is easier because with the Boiler on Overrun or Rupture as the Spitter if the gun kills you as long as you get close enough you'll destroy it, be mindful of your approach don't be afraid to use your team mates to clear you a path

11- Two Birds: Kill two enemies with one shotgun blast
Use the Tactical Shotgun for this challenge and go to the second level and stun the first 2 marines with the weapons alternate fire, line them up one behind the other than continue firing, the challenge is to kill 2 enemies within 1 second, meaning you can fire more than once

12- Scout: Track 50 Xenos on the Motion Tracker
Continuously restart Hope In Hadley's, after pulling out the Motion Tracker and running forwards

13- Blunt Force: As a Soldier Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Heavy Strike
2 Heavy Strikes do enough damage to kill a marine

14- Hawked It All Up: As a Spitter Xeno, kill 2 enemies at once with a single fully charged Spit attack
I suggest getting 2 friends to help you and shot them both from the ceiling on Adrift in the room with the dropship it will take 2 fully charged shots, if you've soloing this one camp on Extermination matches it is possible but it's the single hardest challenge in the game that way, remember that shooting from the ceiling is the easiest way to complete this challenge

15- Ricochet: As a Spitter Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Acid Rebound
This challenge is harder than the normal Acid Spit because the attack doesn't explode next to where you've aimed it keep that in mind, camping in Extermination matches is the easiest way

16- Kill Em While They're Down: As a Lurker Xeno, kill an enemy after knocking them down with Speed Pounce
Easy enough but be mindful of the Marines team mates, use Flurry after Speed Pounce and the Marine won't even get back up

17- Fire In The Hole: As a Marine, kill 25 Xenos using the Smart Gun, Flamethrower or RPG
In No Hope In Hadley's there is a Smartgun half way through the level keep restarting at the checkpoint after you clear the corridor, if you go round the bent you will have to play the mission from the begining to get to that point

18- Berserker: As a Soldier Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Flurry
Truthfully Flurry is OP as you do this challenge you'll see what I mean

19- Stepped In It: As a Spitter Xeno, kill 5 enemies with Acid Trap
Camping on Extermination matches, you can set up to 4 Acid Trap's at a time

20- Shock And Awe: As a Lurker Xeno, kill 2 enemies with a single Shockwave Pounce attack
Wait on the wall or ceiling in and Extermination matches

21- Hard Boiled: As a Marine, kill 5 Xeno Boilers during a multiplayer match
Main thing to remember is, it isn't 5 in 1 match it's just kill 5 boilers, pick Overrun in Survivor and have your Pump Shotgun as strong as it can be use a grenade and shot it with the Shotgun if it gets too close, killing it Online is your only goal

22- Extended Reach: As a Lurker Xeno, kill 5 enemies using Lunging Strike
This move as good range and speed for a melee strike but it takes 3 hits to kill a marine with full hp, you can use Speed Pounce to weaken them but have Heavy Chitin in case they do get back up

23- Liquefy: Kill 8 enemies with acid damage
From every Spitting move to Acid Strike to t Boiler's every attack even Rupture's explosion, it all counts towards this

24- Mercy Killer: Use the Combat Pistol to kill 5 enemies that were covered in fire
The condition to this is you must set them on fire and they do not need to be on fire as they die, the best way to do this is to pick the second level on Soldier difficulty and burn them lightly with the assault rifles flamethrower, run up to them and tap it then press right on the d-pad and open fire with the combat pistol, if you do this on Co-op Campaign when you are down and shooting it also counts

25- Left A Mark: As a Spitter Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Acid Strike
This move is weaker than Flurry be mindful of that, but works in the exact same way

26- Trap Sprung: As a Marine, kill 25 Xenos using Claymore mines
The easiest way to get this offline is Hope In Hadley's, online pick Emergency Evac on Escape and just after the lift gets to the top there should be a Claymore pack that doesn't fade after you have collected 1, if it isn't there then it will be in the second room with a Smartgun and sets of armour, the one after you've fixed the breaker and pushed the button to open it's doors

27- Flurry Finish: As a Lurker Xeno, kill an enemy with Flurry after a Speed Pounce
This is one of the easiest challenges all it takes is picking your target and landing the Speed Pounce

28- Sliced And Diced: As a Soldier Xeno, kill 2 enemies with a single Whirlwind attack
Be mindful that Whirlwind takes 2 hits to kill a marine with full hp, use Extermination match and wait for your chance to attack, waiting for Marines while on the walls is your best bet along with attacking more than 2 at a time while using your team mates

29- Uncrushable: As a Marine, kill 5 Xeno Crushers during a multiplayer match
I suggest getting a friend for this one, the Crusher spawn points become active after the 3:00 count, if you are doing this normally with online matches, good on you! The change in how you approach a Crusher will stay with you for life and you will not be intimidated by one ever again, the best weapon for taking on a crusher the Flamethrower when it slams into the wall burn the body avoid shooting or burning the head, when it's charging at you run to the side do not shot it at this point wait for the slam against the wall opening, Grenades stun the Crusher for a 1 second giving you time to reload, this doesn't work while they are charging, if you die calm yourself and a watch for the Marines being killed by it to pinpoint it's locations, don't forget about the other Xeno players

30- Acid Bath: As a Spitter Xeno, kill 10 enemies with Rupture Mutation
Run up to a Marine and die in their face sounds easy but have "Escape" as your ability and launch yourself into the air to help getting closer to the Marine, both the explosion and them walking over the acid pool counts towards this challenge

31- Free Hugs: As a Lurker Xeno, kill 20 enemies using the Pounce attack
Pounce means Pounce, not Speed Pounce nor Enraged Pounce, just pick your target be mindful of your surroundings and remember that if you pounce from the ground but your above them the pounce will fail, pounce from the walls or ceiling to avoid this

32- Easy Prey: As a Soldier Xeno, kill an enemy after stunning them with Bludgeon
This challenge is easy but it has a catch, if they break free from being stunned you won't complete it, giving you 1 and half seconds to finish them, Heavy Strike or Flurry will work, do not use Quick Strike

33- From The Shadows: As a Lurker Xeno, kill 5 enemies without taking any damage
This isn't kill 5 enemies in a row without taking damage this is; kill the enemy without them damaging you, with Pounce and Enraged Pounce this challenge is all about how you approach your target

34- Alpha: As a Xenomorph, kill 5 Marines without dying
This challenge must be done online, if your good try not to focus on this just play but to safeguard yourself once you get 2 kills transform into the Crusher and earn 3 more avoid being the Boiler

35- Ace: As a Marine, kill 5 Xenos without dying
This challenge must also be done online, pick Escape or Survival whichever you feel more confident at and pick up the Smartgun so your the first to pick them off

36- Hard To Kill: Completed an Escape Match without being incapacitated
Last but not least... Make a private match finish it as Marine wait for the clock as Xeno, or tough it out it's the last challenge

If your stuck on any of these challenges I'm willing to give you extra advice and share my personal experiences with you, I hope this is of help to you, I've done all these challenges twice so if there's anything you need help on please do not be afraid to ask.

I wanna thank Predxeno for both helping me with my challenges the second time through and by allowing me to study challenges as he performed them himself.

PSN: Lie1295



Why shooting from the ceiling with the Spitter is better? Is there any dmg multiplier applied if you are on the ceiling?


Quote from: WinterActual on Mar 24, 2013, 06:51:26 AM
Why shooting from the ceiling with the Spitter is better? Is there any dmg multiplier applied if you are on the ceiling?

Fully charged Headshots have a chance of being a 1 hit kill (You need to hit the face) and the shaking is way more steady, try it out you'll see what I mean.


Great guide lie :) For number 22 you can also shoot the Crusher in campign right after it charges and needs time to recover.


Quote from: Lie on Mar 23, 2013, 09:49:16 PM
I wanna thank Predxeno for both helping me with my challenges the second time through and by allowing me to study challenges as he performed them himself.

No problem. ;)


You could add the rewards for each achievement to the original post, if you feel inclined to do so. Thanks Lie!


Anyone else wanting more challenges? It just feels so empty: not having any sort of goal anymore- barring slaughtering fools as the dreaded leapfrog Lurker.  :)


Been meaning to say thanks for al this Lie!  8)

Inverse Effect

The one for the spitter is gonna be a pain to do. How can you kill two marines with one spitter blast? :v

Darth Rinzler

I can confirm that you can do this challange in bug hunt mode.   

24- Mercy Killer: Use the Combat Pistol to kill 5 enemies that were covered in fire

Be warned you can not complete the challange that requires you to kill 25 Aliens with claymores in Bug hunt mode.

Inverse Effect

My user name is Priotess for PSN Add me if you wanna do challenges!


Quote from: Darth Rinzler on Apr 19, 2013, 06:05:00 AM
I can confirm that you can do this challange in bug hunt mode.   

24- Mercy Killer: Use the Combat Pistol to kill 5 enemies that were covered in fire

Be warned you can not complete the challange that requires you to kill 25 Aliens with claymores in Bug hunt mode.

Of course not, that would just be too easy. *Grumble >:(

Inverse Effect

How do you do Kill Em While They're Down? i used the pounce but i dont get the challenge completion.


You need to kill them afterwards as well.

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