[ALPHA 0.5] Ghostbusters Mod

Started by doctor222, Feb 23, 2013, 01:27:41 PM

[ALPHA 0.5] Ghostbusters Mod (Read 3,768 times)



ALIENS : Colonial Marines - Ghostbusters Edition
Version : 0.5

I know what you think. Why do you want to do a Ghostbusters mod for A:CM, the answer is simple, it just a maner for me to understand how the game work and how it can be modified. So in this first version i will only change some textures, like the logo of the USMC, and also the color of the marines.

For the moment, i search the right textures, but without any index, it's quite hard. I work on the french version of the game, but it should be compatible with yours. So what do you think ? I use Photoshop CS5 for the texture.

V 0.5
- Changing the USCM Logo for the Ghostbusters Logo
- Changing the color of the Colonial Marines uniform

The Necronoir

I guess we know who to call then...



Quote from: The Necronoir on Feb 24, 2013, 09:19:51 AM
I guess we know who to call then...

Ghost Marines!



Quote from: The Necronoir on Feb 24, 2013, 09:19:51 AM
I guess we know who to call then...
oh my god that comment.... that comment oh my god ;D

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