More Set Pictures from Prometheus

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 16, 2011, 05:09:40 PM

More Set Pictures from Prometheus (Read 37,355 times)

Corporal Hicks

Seems we’re getting a steady stream of set pictures from Prometheus. We’re happy to reveal these pictures snapped on location at Iceland:

 Jake Busey Talks The Predator Deleted Scenes

As you can see, the derelict and Giger influence is easily recognizable. Thanks to ikarop for the find.

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the 3rd image looks eerily similar to the derelict from  A L I E N

chupacabras acheronsis


wonder what does that big white joint is for.



Oooh. Looks just like an outer wall of the Derelict. Loving it.


What is the first pic of?



The Space Jockeys' space truck.


Hm...the second picture looks like something left out of a robot leg (a giant robot). Perhaps a manned combat mech.

I wonder what is inside the mysterious box of small mortar pots?


Colonial Marines???? Maybe Hicks and Newt and Ripley show up and kick ass while Ripley hunts the Jockeys and the aliens in the hive with like 16 Queens??????


But seriously these pics are great. I'm so excited.


That damaged part looks too big to be part of a mech.  More like the landing skids for the Prometheus, methinks.



That 4th pic "small mortar pots" might indicate plenty of explosions in this movie.  Remember seeing something like that for Alien3 years ago



Quote from: JaaayDee on Jul 16, 2011, 06:10:00 PM
That damaged part looks too big to be part of a mech.  More like the landing skids for the Prometheus, methinks.

Mortor Pots? Explosion, plus that white joint, looking thing, seems to have some burn marks on it.
Also that section of what looks like the Derelict, maybe it's not the derelict, maybe it's some other Jockey structure. I hope we get to see more than JUST the Derelict.


All of these shots seem to support the 'crew stranded' portion of the synopsis.



So uh....Iceland will be shot as the beginning of Earth AND an alien planet?

This isn't making any sense really.



Intriguing. Great pics!

Ash 937

Ash 937

I'm glad that we are seeing real props from real movie sets and not something that's been rendered in CGI.  This is very promising.

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