(Allegedly) Bloober Team Was Developing Alien Game Set in Middle Ages - What We

Started by Corporal Hicks, May 14, 2022, 09:24:01 AM

(Allegedly) Bloober Team Was Developing Alien Game Set in Middle Ages - What We (Read 3,581 times)

Corporal Hicks

I'm seeing this make the rounds on social media atm. I'm not aware of the website, so my dubiousness has kicked in. I've not had the chance to really dig into them yet, but just in case.



If true, I think this might have rocked from a immersion perspective but people unfamiliar with the developer's prior work expecting more might be pretty disappointed, especially considering they already did a horror bent Blade Runner essentially pretty superbly with Rutger Hauer in Observer, imagine Alien Isolation but with more rudimentary artificial intelligence and no means of fighting back whatsoever just stealth.

That's Bloober Team's definition "survival horror" without exception, with puzzles, and reality warping in-between.

Apart from a major shake up to their formula I do not see how middle ages fits in at all.


This is a profoundly cursed image.


I will say I wouldn't be surprised though if the new management cancelled this because of reception to The Medium, an overall step down from their prior work in most every respect, but especially reviled because of it's ending that essentially posits that if you have suffered immense psychological trauma (for example a victim of rape) you ought to just kill yourself.


What a shame this got canned, sounds genuinely different and interesting


I think we're better off without it, I heard that bloober team Has a not so good track record of writing stories.


I'm going to be honest, I quite like Bloober's games - Questionable take-home message in 'The Medium' aside, you can see how they got the 'Silent Hill 2' remake gig after that. 'Blair Witch' was good fun and fit into the EU quite well, and I've just started 'Observer' and loving the aesthetic (Blade Runner in all but name). I think we could definitely do worse than having those guys handle an Alien game.


Well let's see how they do with Silent Hill 2 first and then i'll put my views on them in stone

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