AvPR’s release date is drawing closer and that means it’s time for Fox to start milking the money cow. And in what is starting to become a long line of “Ultimate AvP sets” we have an Aussie exclusive: Alien Vs. Predator – The Ultimate Showdown: DVD Collector’s Set:
“EzyDVD are proud to announce the Australian EXCLUSIVE release for this Limited Edition Monster Box Set featuring 2-Disc Special Edition versions of all 7 Alien/Predator films along with a stylish diorama of a Predator warrior skewering a freshly-hatched Alien! Don’t miss out on this intimidating, must-own collection!”
That about says it all really. It’s a repackaging of what will no doubt be the Quad DVDs, Collectors Edition Predator DVDs and the Unrated AvP. But on the upside, it has a cool little figurine set. You can get this limited edition set off of EzyDVD. Thanks to The Necronoir and Leonard for the news.
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