AVP2 marine demo

Started by OpenMaw, Sep 07, 2024, 04:42:36 PM

AVP2 marine demo (Read 533 times)



So this is an obscure request.

I can find on the internets the old Single Player demo containing all the species.

I'm looking for the first demo that was released of AVP2, with the marine mission only, where you restore the power to the complex and get attacked by the aliens. I can't find it.

@Corporal Hicks Would you happen to have it in an archive or something?



I was finally able to track it down.


I didn't even know fileplanet still existed, and it wasn't popping up in searches for the demo.

23 years ago. Phew. I was 13 years old.



I was 1 year old lmao

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I was going to suggest FilePlanet actually, but I thought it'd have been long taken down.  :laugh:

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