KingKenny's Ultimate Guide for Getting AvP2 and Primal Hunt Working on Your PC

Started by KingKenny, Jun 01, 2024, 04:52:34 PM

KingKenny's Ultimate Guide for Getting AvP2 and Primal Hunt Working on Your PC (Read 769 times)


Due to so many players having trouble getting both AvP2 and Primal Hunt working on their computers and the many other installation tutorials with inaccurate information, I've decided to a video tutorial with commentary going over my "ultimate guide" for installing the games.

The written form of the guide can be found here:

The video version of the guide can be found in the playlist here:

The video guide is broken into four parts:

Part 1 - The base games -
Part 2 - Master server patch (MSP) -
Part 3 - Technical support -
Part 4 - Mods, maps and more! -

Each part has timestamps so you can skip ahead to the area of concern you have if you are in a rush. These are long and detailed videos. I try to talk slow in these videos to explain things for new players. If you want the quick version, just follow the basic steps mentioned in the written guide, and then check out the videos in you get stuck.

I'm willing to do more tutorials with commentary in the future. Let me know what else you would like to see and I will consider it.


Corporal Hicks

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