Out Of Bound Secrets For AVP 2

Started by DarthJoker45, Feb 27, 2024, 03:28:04 AM

Out Of Bound Secrets For AVP 2 (Read 1,421 times)



Hey guys, here is a video that the YouTuber AcidGlow posted just the other day. It shows out of bound secrets for the levels of the Predator campaign, but he will possibly make others for the two others as well. There isn't many real unique finds, but it is still cool to see details that probably haven't been noticed before. If there is another thread on this already, feel free to merge, but I was unable to find anything specifically in the forum section for AVP2.



Some pretty nice stuff here. Its often forgotten that the AvP universe has its own Dune-like worms (although they might be extinct).


Quote from: Wweyland on Feb 27, 2024, 02:45:43 PMSome pretty nice stuff here. Its often forgotten that the AvP universe has its own Dune-like worms (although they might be extinct).

I completely forgot about those. Weren't they suppose to be related to this creature?




I remember flying around with the no clip cheat and finding out that each cutscene in the game is done in its own little room somewhere on the map, and you could fly to where they were, kill all the people, and if the cutscene was in the middle or at the end of the level, it wouldn't play because everybody would be dead. 


I demand a lore video on the (literal) easter egg in Betrayal.



I demand Nightdive do a modern port of this, Primal Hunt and Classic together.



Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Mar 02, 2024, 11:52:49 PMI demand Nightdive do a modern port of this, Primal Hunt and Classic together.


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