Well here is something you didn't expect!
Aliens vs. Predator 2 - Primal Hunt Master Server Patch 1.0

A lot of time/sweat/blood has gone in this, please check the videos below for our recent games/testing.
- restored the online server browser
- removed cd key check
- fixed broken fonts on newer versions of Windows
- unlocked all resolutions in the Graphics menu
- added borderless window mode (+borderless 1)
- the game will always keep the renderer active to prevent unexpected crashes
- added raw mouse input (enabled by default, use +rawmouse 0 to disable)
- added widescreen support, automatically calculated by the game
- fixed a bug that causes black screens on Intel gpus (fix by thecanonmaster)
- improved rendering performance of some 2D surfaces
- improved text rendering performance
- chat messages are now scaled on high resolutions
- added a console (see readme_console.txt)
- added various command-line options (see readme_commandline.txt)
- fixed the internal client and server timers
- fixed animation slowdowns at high frame rates
- fixed the player character not moving at high frame rates
- singleplayer: fixed slow movement of some objects at high frame rates
- singleplayer: fixed a common crash on the loading screen
- improved the multiplayer net code
- restored the Welding Torch (replaces "Look Up" in the controls menu, default Y)
- restored the Hacking Device (replaces "Look Down" in the controls menu, default H)
- improved hit detection
- the game window is now centered in windowed mode
- fixed the flickering cursor when using dgVoodoo
- fixed the menu buttons not working in some cases when using dgVoodoo
- prevented dgVoodoo from manipulating the window style (see readme_commandline for more info)
https://avpunknown.com/avp2master DOWNLOAD VIA MODDB