Official Payback Time mod site (English/Russian)

Started by x-M-x, Aug 26, 2019, 11:46:46 AM

Official Payback Time mod site (English/Russian) (Read 25,965 times)


Hello all !

After a long while I've finally got around to completing the new official home of (PBT MOD) - Payback time.

This mod is currently at version 0.1 And two servers are being hosted for it.

(one in Russia other united kingdom)

This is a really advanced/kool mod! which deserves it's own site/home (with permission from the head developer)

So check it out!



Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Forgive my ignorance, but the mod was released back in 2015?


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 27, 2019, 07:15:16 AM
Forgive my ignore, but the mod was released back in 2015?

0.1 was

0.2 is coming maybe jan/feb 2020 - Then sometime in the future 0.3

They're website has been shutdown since 2016 (as it was controlled by someone else) And the mod has been updated since then.

Just deserves more recognition and they needed a new site to call " home "  :) So offered them a site and they love it.


We had a short game on PBT

Check it out



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