Full Game Aliens vs. Predator 2 (ALL IN ONE) Edition

Started by x-M-x, Feb 19, 2016, 06:55:20 PM

Full Game Aliens vs. Predator 2 (ALL IN ONE) Edition (Read 221,938 times)


What I'm finding really sad is the fact as time passes on this game becomes more and more difficult to get going. You can't just simply download some simple things then boot the game up. It requires SOOO much patching and work.


Quote from: Bloodlock on Aug 18, 2024, 04:40:35 AMWhat I'm finding really sad is the fact as time passes on this game becomes more and more difficult to get going. You can't just simply download some simple things then boot the game up. It requires SOOO much patching and work.

The Master Server Patch fixes a lot of issues to work on modern systems though.

Also feel free to check out the avp2 community discord.



No 1 game I wish was on Steam

Ripper Rex

Hey all, does anyone know what is wrong if my game suddenly quits after the opening titles? It'll load the opening intros, and then boom, the game shuts itself down. I am using the AIO version of installation. I am using Windows 11 so not sure if something with my OS is affecting it.

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