Favourite Costume

Started by War Wager, Apr 01, 2007, 05:07:01 PM

Whats your favorite custome to wear when playing CJ?

Concrete Jungle
30 (11.6%)
Jungle Hunter (Predator)
45 (17.4%)
Ritual Armour
25 (9.7%)
Alien Hunter (AvP)
35 (13.6%)
Dark Blade Clan
68 (26.4%)
City Hunter (Predator 2)
46 (17.8%)
Bad Blood
9 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 224

Favourite Costume (Read 65,280 times)



Dark Blade Clan definitlry rocks 8). Being Badblood's pretty cool too. It looks close to un Yaujta-like.

dark blade clan

dark blade clan

I like dark blade clan, because the glowing eyes awesome!   



Quote from: War Wager on Apr 01, 2007, 05:07:01 PM
City Hunter for me because I prefered the Predator 2 look to the original. I think it gives the Predator a more menacing and evil look.

I agree with you exactly.



alien hunter... well the thing is this....

I hated avp for scar looking bulki and having a "smile".... but in the game .... I STARTED using most of the time jungle hunter but, after getting armour imrovements, wepons, plasma cannon full levels... i dont know... i felt like the alien hunter was the extra armour extra equipment thing. XDD



 I like all of the costums except for the bad blood because it dosn't look like that great.

The Shuriken

The Shuriken

I like all the costumes really.

But when you get all the upgraded weapons, they don't match any of the costumes except the Dark Blade Clan version.

Which sucks... :(



Quote from: Ultrapredator on Nov 03, 2007, 12:11:42 AM
I like all the costumes really.

But when you get all the upgraded weapons, they don't match any of the costumes except the Dark Blade Clan version.

Which sucks... :(

It does suck, they should of made it so you can change the weapon looks and still have level 3 upgrade.

The Shuriken

The Shuriken

Quote from: CloakedKiller on Nov 03, 2007, 12:16:40 AM
Quote from: Ultrapredator on Nov 03, 2007, 12:11:42 AM
I like all the costumes really.

But when you get all the upgraded weapons, they don't match any of the costumes except the Dark Blade Clan version.

Which sucks... :(

It does suck, they should of made it so you can change the weapon looks.

What they should have done is make the weapons selectable.

But I'm gonna just create a save profile, and only  get the weapons that match each costume. I think someone around here is doing the same thing.



Scar Predator ( AvP )  ;)



Mine would be dark blade, altough all the costumes were cool (best thing in this abomination)



mine is the concrete jungle cos he has more blood when he bleeds, bab blood is weird cos how can the plasma caster stick onto bear skin?






the blad blood does looke f**ked up!! i would like it better if there was some armour on it, and if had a short dreadlocks



The only reason I chose that one (the concrete jungle) is because it is the only one I have unlocked, plus, I can't find any pics of the others.



OOPs, I meant jungle hunter,I don't like the celtic-type mask on concrete,  can U see the virtual "L" on me?

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