Favourite Costume

Started by War Wager, Apr 01, 2007, 05:07:01 PM

Whats your favorite custome to wear when playing CJ?

Concrete Jungle
30 (11.6%)
Jungle Hunter (Predator)
45 (17.4%)
Ritual Armour
25 (9.7%)
Alien Hunter (AvP)
35 (13.6%)
Dark Blade Clan
68 (26.4%)
City Hunter (Predator 2)
46 (17.8%)
Bad Blood
9 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 224

Favourite Costume (Read 65,019 times)



i like the ritual armor because it's like  the armor in p2 but it has a better feel to it
also it looks like my favourite pred  :)

War Wager

War Wager

I'm starting to use the Dark Blade costume now, it's the closest to looking like The Wolf!  ;D

Gill Predator

Gill Predator

Quote from: Predboy on Apr 22, 2007, 07:53:49 PM
I like the Dark Blade clan costume. The glowing green eyes are cool and I like the red lights on the preds armor. When you have all the upgrades for your weapons, it matches your armor.   ;D
agree. I like Dark Blade Clan too



the ritual and dark-blade are the mostc reative   the ritual is only good when you have the weaons witha lvl 2 upgrade, with bones and stuff   but when they are maxed out the dark-blade, plus his eyes are yellow while cloaked like in the movie



Concrete Jungle Scarface and Jungle hunter are my favs, there's just something off about the City Hunter for me.

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

I prefer to use the 'city hunter' look because the shoulder cannon design fits.  It's a shame you couldn't change the shoulder cannon or other weapons to fit the other costumes.

The Demon

The Demon

City Hunter for me. I've always loved that Predator more than the original. Plus it even has the original thermal vision + sound effects while other costumes (Ritual, Alien Hunter, Dark Blade and I think Bad Blood) have the AvP thermal vison + sound effects.

Alien Freak

Alien Freak

I like the Dark Blade, Jungle Hunter, and Ritual armor best.



Im a sucker for AvP so I pick that as my favorite but the ritual armor rocks to.



Jungle hunter.
But sadly... i liked the avp design in concrete jungle... It sort of looked better.

It's very annoying you can't switch back to the lower grade weapons to fit different costumes.
Jungle hunter looks weird with the dark blade plasma cannon.

I do love the P2 design, but he looks too muscley in this game. Plus the giant plasma caster packs on their backs look stupid on the City hunter...



i think the city hunter is the best looking his amor and skin tone are perfect ;D



liked the ritual armour but i hated the new sounds used from the avp movie,its not the same without that whip sound when switching vision modes

The Demon

The Demon

Quote from: thepouncer on Sep 11, 2007, 03:05:03 PM
liked the ritual armour but i hated the new sounds used from the avp movie,its not the same without that whip sound when switching vision modes

I follow you completely on that. The smallest thing like that bothers me. Otherwise I'd play as the Dark Blade Clan Predator mainly.



after u receive the weapon upgrades dark blade clan is the only 1 to use everything else looks crap wit those new weapons

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

I plan to get it but is there any free raoming betwwen levels?

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