The E3 Thread - New Screenshots, Previews and Articles Inside!

Started by ikarop, Jun 07, 2011, 03:17:14 PM

The E3 Thread - New Screenshots, Previews and Articles Inside! (Read 125,204 times)



Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jun 10, 2011, 09:21:59 PM
I am now hoping the demo level is just a demonstrator and does not make it into the game.

Me too. Pacing wise it seems to cram too much in there. And it sounds waaay too linear and scripted.

Quotewhat happened to the asteroid? the Huge City?

Lorin Wood the senior conceptual designer on the game at one point said that those old designs were initial concept work to guide the art direction of the game.

IMO, it wont be just the Sulaco and Colony though. In many of the E3 previews and even the older previews they said that we would be visiting a lot of new places.

Also the press release said:

QuoteThey will have to fight to survive unspeakable horrors and their own anxieties as they chase down the truth behind a galaxy-spanning deception that places humanity at the mercy of the most murderous and deadly species in the universe.

So it sounds like once they have done with the first 3 acts then we'll be off to brand new locations.

Xeno Killer 2179

Quote from: Bio Mech Hunter on Jun 10, 2011, 10:11:13 PM
Hadley's Hope is miraculously well intact considering it was directly in the midst of a thermal nuclear explosion the size of Nebraska...
We've been over this before...
The cloud of the explosion is "the size of Nebraska", not the explosion itself. The yield was less than the tsar bomba (47MT vs "40"), which had an effective total destruction radius of 35Km, but only when exploded several thousand feet in air! The AP was underground in an extremely dense planet, so the total destruction radius is much smaller. Who knows, maybe Bishops data on the yield was wrong too, since he managed to cut himself with a knife earlier.


All that still doesn't necessitate that the colony was completely destroyed.  It would depend on the seismic activity caused by the blast, and the strength of the blast as it was detonated at ground level, I think.  Plus the colony had sub-levels, and it would ultimately depend on how well the colony itself was constructed.  It was obviously made to endure a harsh enviornment, maybe colonies are very hardy and well built?  They certainly look that way, with the layers of support beams lining almost all colony walls, extremely durable soundproof (and nearly shatterproof) glass, and other safety features.  There could have been emergency safe rooms for the colonists, but they didn't or couldnt access these rooms during the xenomorph invasion for reasons unknown...

I mean, when the (dumbass) colonists first settle the planet, the atmosphere isn't breathable, and with Acheron's harsh weather you'd think any living complex would have to be extremely well built to be safe.  It would also originally be an airtight environment, though it didn't need to be in Aliens as the atmosphere was breathable.

Sorry for nerd rant, I just think the story will probably be better than the Alien and Predator things we've seen in the past few years. :D and I'm excited.  As a writer I think revisiting Hadley's Hope is gutsy, could easily be bogus and end in continuity disaster, but if they are smart about it, it could also work.  The Derelict has got me peeing, just a little.  I feel that this game could help redeem the Alien, at least.  Bring it back from the dark velociraptor cat days.

Anyway I think the game sounds incredible, with the lighting and dynamic AI, these both make me very happy.  Sounds like the sentry gun may be a mini game?  Definite purchase already, can't wait for epic 4-player Aliens moments dying with my friends :D.  Die motherf**ker.



Quote from: Xeno Killer 2179 on Jun 11, 2011, 01:03:21 AM
Quote from: Bio Mech Hunter on Jun 10, 2011, 10:11:13 PM
Hadley's Hope is miraculously well intact considering it was directly in the midst of a thermal nuclear explosion the size of Nebraska...
We've been over this before...
The cloud of the explosion is "the size of Nebraska", not the explosion itself. The yield was less than the tsar bomba (47MT vs "40"), which had an effective total destruction radius of 35Km, but only when exploded several thousand feet in air! The AP was underground in an extremely dense planet, so the total destruction radius is much smaller. Who knows, maybe Bishops data on the yield was wrong too, since he managed to cut himself with a knife earlier.

Still. They could see AP form Operations window.So they couldn`t be far away from it. If the cloud was size of nebraska then explosion must have been big. And I mean Big. Maybe some parts of HH survived, but Operations would be vaporised for shure.



QuoteThe AP was underground in an extremely dense planet

Proof is where?

Per Cameron's notes the planetOID is neither extremely dense nor stable, which is why it's the perfect candidate for high yield terraforming to begin with, secondly: the AP venting can be seen with naked eye from the colony, which = vaporized, colony underground blast or not. The AP station also extends rather far above and below ground as seen from the BugStomper crash and SmartAss approach to rescue Newt.

Salt The Fries

Maybe the E3 built was just a set of homages that HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the final version, because in the teaser trailer we clearly see a bit of Hadlley's Hope in a somewhat damaged state.

Xeno Killer 2179

Quote from: Xhan on Jun 11, 2011, 06:00:54 AM
QuoteThe AP was underground in an extremely dense planet

Proof is where?

Per Cameron's notes the planetOID is neither extremely dense nor stable, which is why it's the perfect candidate for high yield terraforming to begin with, secondly: the AP venting can be seen with naked eye from the colony, which = vaporized, colony underground blast or not. The AP station also extends rather far above and below ground as seen from the BugStomper crash and SmartAss approach to rescue Newt.
A planetoid with that much gravity has to be dense, period. And as said before, bishop could be wrong about anything since it's proven he can make errors.


One can hope, given that we see Bishop's pointing and then the shape and size of the actual blast, which rather clearly isn't a subterranean detonation, one could hope, but it seems more to be a case of lack of homework/retcon insertion.

Quotehas to be

1. No it doesn't. First rule of headbite club.
2. The core has to be dense. The guy who made the movie says the crust isn't, and last time I checked you don't outweigh him on the canon/ this-is-what-happened ladder.
Quotecould be wrong
All of which is moot as the distance and detonation are seen onscreen.

Xeno Killer 2179

Xeno Killer 2179

I'm sure real world physics would never allow for such a tiny rock to have near earth gravity, but fair enough, I'm not going to let this lower my enjoyment one bit.  ;D

If the blast at the end wasn't so damn big, I might argue the Processor's nuclear power supply had been mostly depleted...mostly.

Hell, if FTL travel was possible, structures could certainly be almost indestructible too. 

Ash 937

Quote from: Xeno Killer 2179 on Jun 11, 2011, 06:39:28 AM

If the blast at the end wasn't so damn big, I might argue the Processor's nuclear power supply had been mostly depleted...mostly.

Depleted and absorbed by the Hicks, Newt, and Ripley through all the leakage before they left LV-426 at the end of the film.  They were all going to die as a direct result of radiation exposure in a few years anyway.  Now Alien3 doesn't seem so sad, does it?


Quote from: Xeno Killer 2179 on Jun 11, 2011, 06:39:28 AM

Hell, if FTL travel was possible, structures could certainly be almost indestructible too.

This also needs to be said. As its probably true.


I looked hard on that pic Ikarop and found this

Uploaded with


Quote from: Le Celticant on Jun 08, 2011, 04:21:08 PM
Quote from: newbeing on Jun 08, 2011, 04:13:46 PM
Quote from: robbritton on Jun 08, 2011, 03:51:58 PM
this Crusher thingy is presumably a version of the one seen in the handheld CM video, surely? the big four leggedy beastie who leaps in at 1:24 here:

Or am I barking up the wrong tree altogether?

No that's a normal alien. previews say the Crusher has a head more similar to the queen.

But this doesn't really look like a normal alien.
The shape is actully not far from a Praetorian one:

But you know, I'm not telling the truth, just giving an opinion from what it looks like.
The body seems more massive also.
Anyway it's hard to tell with the footage which obviously have been modified in purpose.

Lol,   looks like a predator got involved with the production and is now eradicating all the aliens in preparation for release!  xDDD


Quote from: Deathly_rYaN on Jun 11, 2011, 06:16:22 PM
I looked hard on that pic Ikarop and found this

Uploaded with

I think you may be seeing things :P.

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