ALIEN FAN FILM - No Man's Land - WWI Setting

Started by Cosmic Incubation, Dec 07, 2023, 10:07:38 PM

ALIEN FAN FILM - No Man's Land - WWI Setting (Read 9,170 times)

Cosmic Incubation

Not sure if this has a forum post already, but I happened across a trailer for this new Australia produced Alien fan film set in WWI.

The narration in the trailer is pretty bad, but everything else looks like it has some decent production and xeno suits/effects behind it. The WWI/WWII setting has been a pretty popular idea for Predator, but I don't think I've seen it proposed for Alien, which is interesting.


Looks impressive! Although I would have thought this setting is more fitting for a Predator (fan) film.


The xeno suit, they look like they came out of the movies themselves or at least that's what I thought.


They're from a very popular suit kit that's been online for years.

Terrible trailer (how many times do they need to get the gas?) but I'm keen to see it.


This look cool, does anybody know what became of the short film Alien Identity. Some fan's film centred on an older version of the Newt character. It supposedly was given the cease and desists treatment by 20th century fox for being to similar to the then developed Neill Blomkamp project, the maker of the fan film says that drastically altered what he was making as to it not  infringe on Alien, that was years ago.

(Bad Blood)

Quote from: Wweyland on Dec 07, 2023, 10:54:08 PMLooks impressive! Although I would have thought this setting is more fitting for a Predator (fan) film.
I definitely agree. There was even a comic called the Bloody Sands Of Time that had a predator in the trenches of WWI.


Quite cool, I think.

I wish they involved the Predators in this fan know, there is a fan made poster (made for the expected sequel for Prey; link below) with the same title, 'No man land'. It would explain, how got the aliens in Turkey at the time of WW1.

Bonus Situation

Very harsh to say it's terrible for a fan trailer. In that context the film quality, lighting, scale etc are all very impressive for a non-studio production. I don't think it's fair to hold it up to something like Covenant or Prey as I'd assume this was done on a fan budget. Praise to the folk who put the time, effort, dedication and money into this project and I for one really look forward to seeing the finished article!



This must be  an alien that was brought by a predator or decends from an avp alien?

Master Chief

Master Chief

Yeah, the voice-over's flow didn't feel authentic.

The aliens looked good and it looks like a lot of work was poured into this. 


Quote from: Bonus Situation on Dec 08, 2023, 03:18:37 PMVery harsh to say it's terrible for a fan trailer. In that context the film quality, lighting, scale etc are all very impressive for a non-studio production. I don't think it's fair to hold it up to something like Covenant or Prey as I'd assume this was done on a fan budget. Praise to the folk who put the time, effort, dedication and money into this project and I for one really look forward to seeing the finished article!
I mean the trailer itself is poorly edited. Drop the voiceover and tighten it up by about 30 seconds and it would be a lot better (we really don't need people saying "get the XYZ" multiple times in a row, it's a trailer)

The production itself looks very impressive for a fan film.

Still Collating...

Well this was a surprise! Yeah, the perplexing era, editing for the trailer and the voiceover were meh but those are the only minor things that seemed out of place. The rest looks PHENOMENAL! The production looks great for a fan film, the great direction for the Alien to be in the mist and shadows, but even when it's fully visible, it's so glossy and dark and looks perfect for a fan film. I know there are detailed costumes, but without good lighting, camera direction and tweaks to the costume, it doesn't look anywhere near as this good. Can't wait for it to be released!

Slutty Badger

Definitely feels more suited to Predator than Alien.


Brave decision, keep it up!
Considering that you can stage fan films completely separate from the actual canon of the originals, it doesn't matter whether the setting would have been better suited to Predator.
I want to see xenos so that's fine.
There were already aliens in the comics in the Middle Ages, long before Predator Dark Ages.
Hordes of xenos against the soldiers,
I can live with that in a fan film.
I think you can conjure up a great action scenario here.
The trailer looks great and I'm excited to see the end result.

Ops Officer Jackson

Nothing about the trailer justifies the Alien being in it to me, it looks like WWI docudrama footage jarringly intercut with xenomorph footage

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