Finally got my copy and played it a bunch last night. When it works it's really good, though annoyingly it doesn't work as often as it should. Right after my first onslaught decimated my squad and I was thinking "that went terribly, but it's actually great!" it crashed and I had to reload from a point prior to anything going wrong, which felt kinda unintentionally scummy.
I'm not above doing that sort of thing myself, but I kinda prefer it to be my choice.
The story is intriguing, and I'm loving the atmosphere. It does a great job of making an RTS actually feel creepy. And things can certainly go sideways real fast! I'm about halfway through the third mission and I'm not sure how I can realistically progress without alerting the hive a whole bunch.
Another bug of the annoying kind is that I spent resources on the map table to unlock the map of the new area I've gone to, only for it to re-lock once I actually got down there. I even went back, unlocked it again and made sure I had it, only for it to reset once again when I returned. So yeah, here's hoping they get some patches out quickly, because other than the technical issues I think they've done a really good job with this!