Fan Reviews

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 19, 2023, 07:38:09 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 19,634 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

You can use this thread to post your reviews in. I'm opening this now, as I know some folk have received their copies early.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

It's definitely tough!



Graphics seem a bit rough which is a shame. But I must say when the first proper mission begins the feel of the film is captured wonderfully.

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Dialogue could be better, so much "double time!" 😂



How graphically intensive is it? Am I better off buying this on my (not bad but not top of the line) PC, or my Xbox Series X?

Embry Starred

Embry Starred

Quote from: Xenomrph on Jun 20, 2023, 11:26:53 PMHow graphically intensive is it? Am I better off buying this on my (not bad but not top of the line) PC, or my Xbox Series X?

I'm having a good time with it on the series x

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Quote from: Xenomrph on Jun 20, 2023, 11:26:53 PMHow graphically intensive is it? Am I better off buying this on my (not bad but not top of the line) PC, or my Xbox Series X?

The recommended specs are 16gbs of system ram, CPU wise an AMD Ryzen 7 1800X / Intel Core i7-9700K,  6gbs of VRAM, AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060. SSD too.  I play on an Alienware M15 with a 3060 but I'll probably keep it at 1080p internal resolution wise.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Necronomicon II on Jun 20, 2023, 10:33:55 PMDialogue could be better, so much "double time!" 😂

Especially when you're not sending the run command...I wish Hayes would stop prompting me to make moves while I'm hiding behind crates from people.  :laugh:

But that side, I've put 13 hours so far into it, I've just finished mission 3 & I'm thoroughly enjoying it!! Very tough game, but very satisfying as an Alien fan.

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 21, 2023, 09:29:10 AM
Quote from: Necronomicon II on Jun 20, 2023, 10:33:55 PMDialogue could be better, so much "double time!" 😂

Especially when you're not sending the run command...I wish Hayes would stop prompting me to make moves while I'm hiding behind crates from people.  :laugh:

But that side, I've put 13 hours so far into it, I've just finished mission 3 & I'm thoroughly enjoying it!! Very tough game, but very satisfying as an Alien fan.

😂 Yeah it's not game breaking, it's more hilarious than anything, a most minor quibble. Yeah I agree, I don't know if I like it more than Fire Team so far but it's pretty solid. Also the menu music is fantastic! Nice mix of Horner and Goldenthal.

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Ooof I'm getting some crashes now, some issue with unreal... I don't think it's as well optimised yet for NVIDIA graphics? I'll wait for a patch lol



I only played about two hours. I'm definitely going to be playing more when I have time. I only have minor complaints such as screen breaks, particularly during cinematics and occasionally during gameplay. It's not graphically groundbreaking, it looks pretty rough, but it doesn't take away from what experience I had. I do like the cutscenes and gameplay, so far, seems tough but fun. Just from two hours of playing, I honestly believe in this game more than Fireteam Elite, even if though a fundamentally different game.

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Mechanics wise how you have to care for the well-being of your squad, I think that definitely is something Fireteam could've employed. They are fundamentally different in approach, but yeah it keeps bugging out on me so I'll reinstall and see if that fixes the issue, otherwise I'll wait for a patch lol



Finally got my copy and played it a bunch last night. When it works it's really good, though annoyingly it doesn't work as often as it should. Right after my first onslaught decimated my squad and I was thinking "that went terribly, but it's actually great!" it crashed and I had to reload from a point prior to anything going wrong, which felt kinda unintentionally scummy.

I'm not above doing that sort of thing myself, but I kinda prefer it to be my choice. :P

The story is intriguing, and I'm loving the atmosphere. It does a great job of making an RTS actually feel creepy. And things can certainly go sideways real fast! I'm about halfway through the third mission and I'm not sure how I can realistically progress without alerting the hive a whole bunch.

Another bug of the annoying kind is that I spent resources on the map table to unlock the map of the new area I've gone to, only for it to re-lock once I actually got down there. I even went back, unlocked it again and made sure I had it, only for it to reset once again when I returned. So yeah, here's hoping they get some patches out quickly, because other than the technical issues I think they've done a really good job with this!



The biggest bug I seem to be having is the elevators sometimes not responding. The game just permanently has my character pressing the activation button and nothing ever happens other than an option to cancel. Reloading is the only way to fix it.

But other than that I am enjoying the experience. Really tense moments in the docks level where I sent my only remaining marine to retrieve two unconscious comerades whilst the hive was on high alert. Thank goodness for the guns on the ARC!



Would you say it's better than Fireteam?

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