Forum/Website Bugs

Started by Darkness, Nov 14, 2006, 09:07:57 AM

Forum/Website Bugs (Read 267,204 times)



If anybody finds any bugs in the site or forum, post them here. Things such as themes not looking right like I've forgotten to change the colour of something.

Also report any broken links.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Spelling/grammatical error on forums; says Last Post on Yesterday/Today, rather than Last Post Yesterday/Today. On is only needed for a date part yesterday, as then it is listed as a date (I think).



Good point. But it's hard-coded into the forum so I don't know how to change it.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Oh, well nothing can be done, which is a shame.  :P

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Another thing. The title of the website is Aliens vs Predator Galaxy, when the banner and anywhere else lists it as Alien vs Predator Galaxy (no s).

Also, the title of the homepage says latest news for AvP2, shouldn't there be a gap between AvP and 2?



Well spotted. I've often thought what the title of the site should be - whether "Aliens" or "Alien". The thing is when I first started the site, it was for AvP2 which was Aliens vs Predator 2. Thus it developed from that. When AvP came along, I sort of changed the banner with Alien vs Predator at the top. It's not strictly meant to be the title of the site in the banner. It's more along the lines of telling people that this is a site dedicated to Alien and to Predator. I don't know. It's too tricky. Most people refer to it as AvPGalaxy so it's avoided. I do think though that Aliens vs Predator sounds better.

Not sure about the AvP2. Some people write it like that while some others don't. I may change it once the official title has been released.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

I see, no worries, I was just wondering whether it was an error, or whether it was intentional.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Says here that there's a Predator Equipment page:

But it don't exist!



Thanks. Link now fixed.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Excellent, looking good.



The "More DVD Captures" from the Predator 2 info page links to DVD captures from Alien: Resurrection. Woops



Thanks. Corrected it.



The icon next to the General Alien-Predator Discussion section does not turn into the No-new topics or posts version even though there are no new topics or posts . . . at least not with the Giger skin. I don't know about the others.



Hmm, it does for me. It showed the new posts icon, then I clicked the board. Came back to the main forum page and it had the no new posts icon.

But I'll look into it when I get more time.





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