Forum/Website Bugs

Started by Darkness, Nov 14, 2006, 09:07:57 AM

Forum/Website Bugs (Read 267,200 times)

johnny dangerously

johnny dangerously

Ultimate predator,  like lots of little stuff, cycle rates, calibers, and just little things here and there.   The hand guns in predator #1 are not talked about.  Mac had a desert eagle,  Dutch had a 1911. The hand gun descriptions in predator #2 are a little messed up, some 45s are said to be 9mm.  AK info is incorrect the caliber of the AKs is 7.62x39, it was listed as 7.62x51r witch no AK was ever chamberd for.  maybe in some gun smiths back room but nothing mass produced.   I could go on but like I said,  I really dont know if it matters. Please let me know if it dose not. Sorry I was not more specific with the 1st post Ultimate Predator.  I know that some of the members here at AvP are in the military they would probable know better than me what is wrong.  If Im wrong please let me know.   J.D.



Quote from: Alien Freak on Sep 10, 2007, 07:32:16 PM
Hi, my friend freak (or The Invisible Hunter) can't log in. I'm wondering if his account was removed, or he was banned, or it's just a problem. Thanks in advance for you help.

Okay, firstly, yeah, I disabled his account. He was originally banned when he made those threads but I cleared out a lot of bans recently. Either way, he's not changed since then. If he's not going to write in proper sentences, there's no use him being here. He's also 13. You need to be 14 to register.

Quote from: johnny dangerously on Sep 10, 2007, 09:37:43 PM
Ultimate predator,  like lots of little stuff, cycle rates, calibers, and just little things here and there.   The hand guns in predator #1 are not talked about.  Mac had a desert eagle,  Dutch had a 1911. The hand gun descriptions in predator #2 are a little messed up, some 45s are said to be 9mm.  AK info is incorrect the caliber of the AKs is 7.62x39, it was listed as 7.62x51r witch no AK was ever chamberd for.  maybe in some gun smiths back room but nothing mass produced.   I could go on but like I said,  I really dont know if it matters. Please let me know if it dose not. Sorry I was not more specific with the 1st post Ultimate Predator.  I know that some of the members here at AvP are in the military they would probable know better than me what is wrong.  If Im wrong please let me know.   J.D.

Interesting, send me a message with the correct info if you like and I'll change it.

johnny dangerously

johnny dangerously

Darkness,  I will have to do some research first,  but like I said some other member might be more qualified than me.   J.D.



How come every time i log off, my name is still under the Users Online list.



You mean, you actually click the Log Out button but you're still shown at the bottom of the page under Users Online?



Quote from: Darkness on Sep 15, 2007, 04:15:09 AM
You mean, you actually click the Log Out button but you're still shown at the bottom of the page under Users Online?

Yes that what i mean. Every time i log out, may name is still shown at the bottom of the page under Users Online bar.



Hmm, well it shouldn't be shown there if you log out. It works fine for me though so I assume it's a problem at your end, maybe your cookies aren't set correctly or you're behind a proxy.



Quote from: Darkness on Sep 15, 2007, 03:25:07 PM
Hmm, well it shouldn't be shown there if you log out. It works fine for me though so I assume it's a problem at your end, maybe your cookies aren't set correctly or you're behind a proxy.

I will check that out. How do you get rid of it your cookies?

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator


Should have the AvP2 poster.

Master Chief

Master Chief

I was just browsing through the website and on the link below, I'm sure that it's not a teleportation device.  When I first seen the light shine on the Ancient Predator, I knew they were shining a 'spot light' on the victor.  They did the same for Lex when they were flying off.  So to me it was basically implying that it was their time to shine...



Is just me or some wired posting Gitch. My posting point incerased by 10 points when i just made 3 or 4 post.



Quote from: Ratchetcomand on Oct 17, 2007, 12:47:29 AM
Is just me or some wired posting Gitch. My posting point incerased by 10 points when i just made 3 or 4 post.

I doubt it would suddenly jump by 10 if you only made a few posts. Maybe you read it wrong.



I think your rigth.



On the main page of this site where the news and the info are, everything is messed up like the gallery and info for AVP-R is located in the alien movies section, and the artwork and avplinks is on the AVP section.



 My avatar disappeard on it's own, this happened before and it came back. Wha t exactly is happaning?

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