Ultimate predator, like lots of little stuff, cycle rates, calibers, and just little things here and there. The hand guns in predator #1 are not talked about. Mac had a desert eagle, Dutch had a 1911. The hand gun descriptions in predator #2 are a little messed up, some 45s are said to be 9mm. AK info is incorrect the caliber of the AKs is 7.62x39, it was listed as 7.62x51r witch no AK was ever chamberd for. maybe in some gun smiths back room but nothing mass produced. I could go on but like I said, I really dont know if it matters. Please let me know if it dose not. Sorry I was not more specific with the 1st post Ultimate Predator. I know that some of the members here at AvP are in the military they would probable know better than me what is wrong. If Im wrong please let me know. J.D.