Forum/Website Bugs

Started by Darkness, Nov 14, 2006, 09:07:57 AM

Forum/Website Bugs (Read 267,691 times)



Yeah, I'll have to update those.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Cool, no worries.

ow much does a dedicated server cost, and how difficult is it to run? Cos its getting damn annoying...

Demonio Cazador

Demonio Cazador

The comments from the Main Page news is getting slammed with Spam stupid statements.

War Wager

War Wager

The amount of people here is really causing the pages to f*ck up...  :-\

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Its says on the trailer its actually Alien vs Predator 2 now.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator


Some of those pages (for example AvP and AvP 2 don't link to the pages as provided on the movie page.

Example, movie page downloads -

Downloads page -

I also think all Information pages on the movies should be laid out like the AvP 2 page/url].

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

I think some of the Articles could be linked to under the Other Stuff section, like, and vice versa.

Like the Alien War page isn't on the Articles page, but the Parodies are.

I think the IMAX review could be linked there, among some others.



I found this annoying bug i found. Every time i keep on posting on the fourms it says "Page Not Found The page you are looking for is not here.". It so annoying, the only way i can get on the fourms is to keep on clicking on the fourms button 7 times.

Can someone fix it?

Thanks  :)



You mean, you're seeing this page:

Can't say I've ever encountered that one before. You only see it if you ever go to a page that isn't there. There isn't any broken links on the forum when you're posting.



Ok then, thank you.

The Invisible Hunter

The Invisible Hunter

Darkness.I was wondering why i cant start posts its the menu isnt there on no matter what computer i am on. Please figure wat is wrong with it.thank you.



Threads are disabled specifically for you because of the pointless threads you made when you first registered.

At any rate, you shouldn't even be allowed on here since you're only 13. You need to be 14 to register.

johnny dangerously

johnny dangerously

I dont know if this matters  but some of the info on the human weapons from the predator movies is incorrect.  J.D.

The Ultimate Predator

The Ultimate Predator

Like....? Its not helpful when people just give bland statements.

Alien Freak

Alien Freak

Hi, my friend freak (or The Invisible Hunter) can't log in. I'm wondering if his account was removed, or he was banned, or it's just a problem. Thanks in advance for you help.

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