Alien 5 or Predator 3?

Started by Darkness, Nov 04, 2006, 04:23:01 PM

Which would you rather see?

Alien 5
194 (38.4%)
Predator 3
311 (61.6%)

Total Members Voted: 437

Alien 5 or Predator 3? (Read 204,636 times)



Which film would want to see made the most and why? Alien 5 or Predator 3?

The Ultimate Predator

Predator 3, simply because I'm at heart a Predator fan. I also think that there is so much that has been left to discover with Predator, but with Alien, a lot has been done.



I would have said Predator 3 before AvP came out but after what happened there, I want Alien 5. At least with Ridley Scott and Cameron at the helm, it'll be a quality film.

But yes, there's still lots to be done in the Predator series but I just think Fox will screw it up.

The Ultimate Predator

True, I'm just being optimistic, who knows what could happen?

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

While Predator has so much left in it, I just want Ripley to be killed and a new door to be opened for Alien films.



So you wouldn't want a prequel to the Alien series rather than a sequel to Res?

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I'd just as happily go back in time and forget Ripley all together.

Milo Minderbinder

Milo Minderbinder

Might be interesting to see a film with a Type III or IV civilisation coming up against aliens. Totally ditch the current background, like.

Mystic Lemons

Mystic Lemons

I don't want them to make another Alien film. They'd only go and get it all wrong.

Milo Minderbinder

Milo Minderbinder

This is true. I think it's inevitable, though, given that the film industry mostly ran out of ideas about ten years ago.



as much as i love alien series, they have had like more sequels, so id rather have another predator, only if it was good though.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I think the films should be handed over to someone with talent. I mean, the reason A4 and AvP sucked ass are because A) Fox wanted Ripley which didn't give Whedon enough leg room, B)Fox wanted a quick cash in and gave it to someone who can't write for shit.

Milo Minderbinder

Milo Minderbinder

Whedon can write though, that's the thing. It's just that he has a particular style that doesn't fit in the Alien universe at all.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

B was aimed at AvP.  :-[ I know Whedon can write. Big fan of Firefly/Serenity here.

The Ultimate Predator

But it is unfortunately very rare for a film to be made just for sheer quality - not for money.

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