Forum Rules
Here's the rules:
Be Nice & Respecful. Be nice to other members. While a forum is for debating issues, just plain insulting people will not be tolerated.
Don't abuse the private messaging system. This includes sending unwanted messages to people. Asking them to join your forum or something similar.
Search! If you're new, search the forum before creating any topics because a lot of the time, the subject will have already been discussed somewhere else.
No discussion of P2P downloading/illegal streaming. This includes discussion about downloading movies, music, games, software etc. Providing links to such places is strictly not allowed. [
Amendment 16/3/16: File-sharing is acceptable for discontinued Alien/Predator-related items or extremely hard to find items such as rare books/comics/games.]
Spamming is Forbidden. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads and/or one word posts. Avoid doubleposting. Instead, edit your original post. You can doublepost if nobody has responded to it for a while and bump it back to the top. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed. Don't post pictures as a response to something. When people start doing this, they take the topic off the rails. This is spamming and I delete any stuff like this on the spot. If you haven't got anything important to add to the topic, simple, don't post there.
No Necroposting. Don't post in really old threads unless you have something important to say.
Think About What You're Posting. If what you're posting is offensive, insensitive or etc, please don't post it. Use your common sense.
Don't post offensive Pictures/Videos. This includes posting and/or linking to pictures or videos that people may find offensive. For example, posting pornography is not allowed. Also avoid posting pictures that directly insult other members.
Spelling and Grammar. Please be careful with your spelling and grammar. This is absolutely essential. Typing in capital letters and posting incoherently is grounds for being banned. Also please note that this is an English speaking website.
No Multiple Accounts. Each member is allowed one login account. Registering multiple accounts is not allowed. Fraudulent behaviour is not allowed. E.g. Registering another account and pretending to be somebody else. This -includes- a famous person such as a well-known actor or movie director. If you have problems activating your account, please
see this page. If you have forgotten your password, simply use the
Forgot Password function to create a new one.
Avatars & Signatures. There are rules in place for avatars and signatures. Read the section below for more information.
Advertising. Advertising your Alien/Predator website/forum is allowed but don't register here if that's your sole purpose. It's courtesy to make a few posts at least before you can advertise your site. And please, don't use the private messaging system asking people to join your forum. This is against the rules.
Don't Post Members' Personal Info. Posting another member's personal or contact information on the forums without their consent is strictly not allowed. Also, posting content from private messages without consent is also against the forum rules, if you receive harassing or abusive PMs please report the PM.
Movie Boards Are For Movies. Please keep references to expanded universe concepts to a minimum in the Alien/Predator movie boards.
- We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
- We also reserve the right to ban anyone who violates the forum rules. A banned user may also be banned from the rest of the site if deemed necessary.
- Trolling will not be tolerated here. Trolls will be banned.
- There is absolutely nothing wrong with differing opinions or disagreements. What we expect to see are people discussing their reasonings in a mature fashion. Insulting others, trolling, immature behavior in the course of these discussions aren't tolerated. They aren't interesting to read or to take part in. These are adult movies, let's ensure we act like adults.
- Death threats or wishing death on others will not be tolerated here.
- Negatively towards peoples sexual orientation is also not tolerated here.
- Do not bring your issues with other users from different Alien or Predator communities here, or try to reignite arguments from other locales here.