Ask Jeff VanderMeer

Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 16, 2008, 09:02:44 AM

Ask Jeff VanderMeer (Read 53,376 times)



Yeah--that was a plus, seeing the Predator home world. There were parts that weren't bad, but I felt the aliens were just like...I dunno...dobermans or something. Not very interesting in that movie. More so in the first.

Good question re Dark Horse. There was zero editorial interference in what I put into my novel, but I more or less seemed to indicate he picked up a lot of stuff from his prey. Personally, I think they have scientists, but they might be slaves of a kind. I.e., other intelligent species. Or in a symbiotic relationship. Now, that'd be interesting. Or perhaps blasphemous.

Yeah, re the Alien--I always thought in the first movie it was supposed to be intelligent, which is why the subsequent approaches haven't always been of interest to me. I thought both the Space Jockey and the Alien were intelligent. And I thought the next movies would (1) show us the alien home world, (2) expand on the intelligence and origins of the Aliens and the space jockey, etc.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

They've taken on a more animalist approach, I think. Following Aliens, all the comics and EU presented them as swarming insects. But A3 and AR showed us Aliens that were like intelligent animals. A3, especially. The comparrison to lions in the dialogue and the host being a dog. I've noticed that these approach has also carried over into the novels a little. Particularly in Cauldron.



Then I'm just going to have to manufacture an alien that's more intelligent than that. LOL.

War Wager

War Wager

In your 'Aliens' novel would you try and give a new stage/reproduction method to the life cycle? Eg like the breeding method the PredAlien had in 'AvPR'? (Also, what are your opinions on that?)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Or the egg morphing from Alien DC. Always wanted to see more of that.



That sounds like a pretty cool idea re the egg. I'd like to write about aliens that have been isolated for a long time from the main "pack" so to speak, who have changed as a result.


War Wager

War Wager

That would be interesting. You mean physically changed or behaviorally changed?



Didn't some guy, O'Bannon or something, have an idea that aliens were actually sentient, as intelligent as human beings. I think aliens can be more than dumb bugs, but I'd cap it at intelligent animals, I wouldn't make them sentient save for the queen maybe.



I dunno, War Wager--I'd have to think it through, first.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: happypred on Dec 19, 2008, 08:10:26 AM
Didn't some guy, O'Bannon or something, have an idea that aliens were actually sentient, as intelligent as human beings. I think aliens can be more than dumb bugs, but I'd cap it at intelligent animals, I wouldn't make them sentient save for the queen maybe.

See, I find it more threatening that they could be on par (or of higher) intelligently than us. Makes them more deadly. Especially if they're sentient.



If they're that intelligent, why don't they make use of technology in any significant way?

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

What's point when you're a natural killing machine?



Technology has all kinds of advantages that any intelligent species could utilize. Transportation, defense/protection, etc.

War Wager

War Wager

You mean an Alien picking up a pulse rifle and firing away?



An alien is a kind of pulse rifle!

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